engine bogs and will not accelerate in gear

JS Machine 1

Jun 17, 2006
I have a '73 volvo 130 hp i/o with the 270 volvo outdrive. I posted a topic this past weekend about a problem I was having and I thought it was the points. After several people looked at the points, I have found out that there is nothing wrong with them. Same for the cap and rotor button, and wires. I am going to put in new plugs this weekend before I take it out.

The problem I had this weeknd when I took it out was that it would rev freely in nuetral and run just like normal, but the second you put it in gear, it would bog down and quit. It finally did get up to about 1200rpm, but that was when I eased in the throttle very slowly and thats all it would take. Boat was moving, no funny noises...about idle speed. My first reaction was it has to be something in the outdrive---the reason i thought this was because of the way it acted when I put it in gear. I'm not sure what it is, what does it sound like to you all??

I rebuilt both carbs tonight, I didn't see anything that would adversly affect the running of the engine, but then again I may have missed something.

Outdrive is full of oil, motor is full, neither is overfilled.
This boat has run fine the last 5 or 6 times I have taken it out and I am never hard on it, I just keep it around 3500 or 4000 rpm. Thanks for the hints, John


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 19, 2005
Re: engine bogs and will not accelerate in gear

bad fuel filter or some other fuel starvation problem, maybe??


Aug 14, 2004
Re: engine bogs and will not accelerate in gear

Did you check the dwell with a dwell meter? Did you follow that up with a check of the timing? When was the last time you inspected the timing advance weights under the points in your distributor?