Engine block heaters?? A good choice or not ?

Sep 3, 2007
Hea, all you captain's -o -the ship ! I saw some ad's on the web for some rather inexpensive ($50-$69) Engine block heaters . One of the ones I looked at had magnetic holds so you could stick it against your block and plug it in to 110 volt outlet or extension cord. Would or could this be used to prevent a freeze up ! It seems like it would work well since it has no open heating elements ....
Got any comments ! Fire away ..... If interested I have the site imfo to pass along to ya's.

Sea Hag - out ! :redface::):D


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 13, 2004
Re: Engine block heaters?? A good choice or not ?

Block heaters are designed to keep your engine warm so it will start in freezing weather. Having lived in the north where block heaters are a necessity, particularly when temperatures are -30 or -40 for days or weeks, I can also tell you that sometimes they fail - while you may not be able to get the car or truck running, the anti-freeze is what keeps the engine from freezing and cracking. Either drain it or put anti freeze in - don't rely on something that can pop the breaker, burn off the plug or not work because of a power outage - any of the above will cost you your engine. Given the failure rate of block heaters, Up north we would wire a light in series with the block heater so we would have some indication it was working.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 18, 2007
Re: Engine block heaters?? A good choice or not ?

best thing to prevent freeze up is to take all the water out!
block heaters may or may not warm up the manifolds. freezing a manifold is not fun.
are you leaving the boat on the water in the winter? (ocean, northern climate)
or are you storing in your yard for the winter?
if your storing it in the yard, look for the winterizing thread in this forum, and read your owners manual.
if your water storing, i would have a redundant system
if you rely on a block heater for the winter, if it calves your hooped!

i used a small ceramic heater in my engine housing last year till i could get the time to winterize it properly. i was allways worried someone would unplug it or it would blow a breaker.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 15, 2007
Re: Engine block heaters?? A good choice or not ?

An engine block heater keeps the coolant warm not the engine block. I'd drain all the water out and fill with anti-freeze to keep corrosion from happening and not have any worries over the winter months. There are no short cuts to doing proper maintainence. Especially when it comes to winterizing. My vote, not a god choice.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 22, 2007
Re: Engine block heaters?? A good choice or not ?

Dont chance it, Drain all the water from the manifold & engine block. you dont want a cracked engine in the spring..


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 10, 2006
Re: Engine block heaters?? A good choice or not ?

Those block heaters and such work good until the power goes out. Then they don't do much but sit there while your motor freezes.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 19, 2006
Re: Engine block heaters?? A good choice or not ?

Those block heaters and such work good until the power goes out. Then they don't do much but sit there while your motor freezes.

I don't know if that's true.. They do give you that false sense of security while you think they are still getting power ..... or constant concern :)

Like everyone else says, just drain the damn thing.