Empty Nest Syndrome


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2011
The Admiral and I have between us 8 children, 6 grandchildren, 2 dogs, a cat that thinks he is a dog, and a cat. When the youngest girl child (The Baby) was born in 1997, i deployed for the civil way in Yugoslavia and was gone from the time she was 1 month old until just before her 1st birthday. The 7 other children, I was gone for 75% of their childhood and I had the opportunity to go to shore duty for my last tour. I have been home most of the youngest 2 lives and was enjoying it. I had the chance to stay to the 23 year mark but it meant I was eligible to deploy again and i just could not see that happening.

My baby graduated high school at 16, she was a year early graduating and was accepted to University of Washington. Being the over protective Daddy that I am, i was not letting her move to Seattle by herself.

She has been enrolled in college 1 year this month and when school starts back, she will be a Junior. She turned 18 a few days ago and now has gotten a tattoo, told me she is grown, and I rented her a studio apartment in the city. We live 45 miles from her school and with the commute, she could not participate in all the activities.

The Admiral and I moved her into her first apartment by herself today.

While all our children are now grown, and for the most part on their own, we have a grandchild living with us. While he is an 8 year old handful, I am already missing my baby, knowing that I will see her several times a week doesnt make it any easier.

Dont know how it will get easier but it is a good thing for her. Now the Admiral and I have the grandchild and all the school, daycare, and other expenses started again,

It is a sad day in my home with all the kids thinking they are now adults.

At least I have an excuse to see Disney Movies without being in the closet. (LOL)

I am proud of my Baby Daughter.