Re: electric shift on evinrude?
If it truly an electric shift (something tells me actual electric shift was stopped after 71) You operate them with a push button switch on the controls. They use seleniods in the lower unit to push the oil to activate the clutch dogs. They also use a premium LU lube from dealer. If oil is low or watered down they will defualt to foward. Default is foward and you won't get neutral or reverse unless the motor is turning over or running since they use 12v to power them seleniods <br /><br />Not to sure on the year they stopped makin them, just know it was not one of their best ideas, however... I have one and it don't bother me any..In fact I kinda like it =o)<br /><br />Make sure thats what you got... theres some confusion between the actual electric shift and others that sound like it.