Eastern Boats (vs SteigerCraft?)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 1, 2004
Anyone have any experience with Eastern Boats of Wilton, NH? They are a semi-custom builder (have some basic designs but they don't build the boat until they get an order and then they put in exactly what you want). The boats are no-frills basic but seem to be well built. I am locking for a "mini-lobster" boat in the 20-22' range - not many production boats in that category - SteigerCraft Chesapeake 21 is one - price is similar to Eastern for same outfitting.


Aug 8, 2004
Re: Eastern Boats (vs SteigerCraft?)

Originally posted by swist:<br /> Anyone have any experience with Eastern Boats of Wilton, NH? They are a semi-custom builder (have some basic designs but they don't build the boat until they get an order and then they put in exactly what you want). The boats are no-frills basic but seem to be well built. I am locking for a "mini-lobster" boat in the 20-22' range - not many production boats in that category - SteigerCraft Chesapeake 21 is one - price is similar to Eastern for same outfitting.


Aug 8, 2004
Re: Eastern Boats (vs SteigerCraft?)

I have owned an Eastern 24 center console with a 130 Honda for three years now (and owned a Seaway 19 some years ago. Eastern bought the molds from Seaway). It's a solidly built boat without a lot of window dressing. I've been to the company's headquarters in Milton, NH. The shop is very modern and the workmanship good. The people are great. You can see boats in various stages of construction and they're happy to let you look at anything. They have a very good reputation. I have four friends who own Easterns and they all love them and run them hard. All are avid fishermen and the boats hold up well. The hull is a deep vee forward but flattens out amidships. My biggest complaint is that it can get quite wet in a chop with the wind in your face. More than a lot of other boats, I think. I'm not sure I know why.