Early 70s Volvo Penta


Jul 14, 2011
[FONT=Bitstream Vera Serif, Times New Roman, serif]Can someone direct me to the links that I should be looking at to research early Volvo Penta power and outdrives? Is it realistic for me to think that I can have one of these that will be reliable after going over them? I am a retired master auto tech. I guess I am just looking for what to look for.

I have seen a couple of boats that I would consider both with Volvo Penta power. I have yet to own a boat with one of these and I certainly see them around. Here are the two boats very different I am looking at.

[FONT=Bitstream Vera Serif, Times New Roman, serif]17 ft '75 Glastron boat, I/O, runs good was used past three summers. On new galvanized trailer, great shape, worth $1200 alone. Motor is an inboard/outboard Volvo Penta stern drive. Moving, must sell. Asking 1500[/FONT]

[FONT=Bitstream Vera Serif, Times New Roman, serif]Grady White 1971 hull sound, original volvo penta power ran when we bought it has set for a year, motor is not stuck. electrical wiring needs gone over and will need new batteries. 270 VolvoPenta out-drive is in good condition and was recently installed. newer controls and console, newer gas tank. trailer rough will need tire patched. I think is the Chesapeake model. asking 1400. It is a project boat but worth the effort. thanks for looking[/FONT]

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Old VP drives are like old Mercruiser drives. Only as good as the care given to them. Yes, if they are properly repaired and maintained they are reliable.

My concern is boats that old will need to be fully restored (stringers, transom, and deck) unless they are a true "Barn Find". depending on the drive, parts can be expensive. your looking at boats 40+ years old. I myself would not look at a boat that old unless it was rare, excellent shape with a known history, wood (in fair to good shape), or aluminum. The mechanical stuff is easy. I would be more focused on the hull, interior, and overall condition as a whole

so ask yourself. do you want to be boating, or do you want to be spending your time restoring boats.


Jul 14, 2011
Old VP drives are like old Mercruiser drives. Only as good as the care given to them. Yes, if they are properly repaired and maintained they are reliable.

My concern is boats that old will need to be fully restored (stringers, transom, and deck) unless they are a true "Barn Find". depending on the drive, parts can be expensive. your looking at boats 40+ years old. I myself would not look at a boat that old unless it was rare, excellent shape with a known history, wood (in fair to good shape), or aluminum. The mechanical stuff is easy. I would be more focused on the hull, interior, and overall condition as a whole

so ask yourself. do you want to be boating, or do you want to be spending your time restoring boats.

Certainly have been considering everything you said here already. There is a LOT of junk out there in my area. One of the other boats I looked at was a 2004 19' bow rider. It was just a nicer newer (actually pristine) boat also garage stored but had a cracked block. He wanted more than I wanted to pay for that one.

Are there any links on here about common issues for these older VP drives?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 24, 2004
I was worried about the same things when I bought my boat sight unseen on eBay...it's a 1972. The old Chrysler motor had been replaced with a Volvo Penta 260A which is a Chevy 350, so there were no worries about power. I was however very concerned about the Aquamatic 250 outdrive which is no longer manufactured and most parts can only be found used. I had my drive completely serviced (for $800) but was still worried about finding parts for it if I needed them. It turns out there are plenty of parts/drives available on eBay - I picked up a complete working spare Aquamatic 250 for $160 delivered. Many of the 250 - 280 parts are interchangeable. The outdrives are exceptionally sturdy. The only downside is that the early drives did not come with power trim...just mechanical tilt. I'd say go for it.


Jul 14, 2011
Thank you for the input guys. Anyone else care to chime in? What year did these outdrives have hydraulic trim?


Jul 14, 2011
So, one of the boats I have looked at is a 1971 Grady White Chesapeake. It has the 270 outdrive replaced with a rebuilt unit a year ago. The console is recent and has a few nice accessories like a bimini and a cover. The major problem with the boat according to the owner is the wiring. Saw the boat, looks good and yes Sparky got in there and and did his version of wiring. I am a master auto tech retired and to me it just looked like it needed to be cleaned up by someone who new what they were doing. I have checked the deck, stringers and no water in any of the fluids. The boat is $1400 which at the moment I have no problem with. The owner says the motor runs good and has agreed to have me come back and spend some time to get her running. The issue I am having is the Volvo Penta AQ170 inline 6 engine. I guess if I saw it run and determined it was sound I could get some use out of it. I am pretty resourceful but parts are scarce an expensive for this particular motor. These guys are trying to get 200 for a USED water pump on Ebay! One thought I had was to look for a whole donor boat or engine and drive system that would be an update maybe same or larger in horse power with trim.

So, if I were to swap out the whole thing out would there be something decent I could put in without messing with the transom?

Could I possibly fund some of that project with selling what I have?

What parts are going to sell the quickest on Ebay?


Jun 30, 2008
the only thing you could swap into that old boat would be another old Volvo 270-280 without redoing the transom, which most likely has some damage anyway in a boat that old. You're right about the aq170, it is antiquated and expensive to maintain. Like scott said do you want to boat, or do you want a project.


Jul 14, 2011
To be honest with myself I know this boat would be a project and I am a project guy. I have my whole life bought things somebody else was tired of or could not deal with and turned them into something of value eventually getting my use out of them and selling them for more than what I had into them. I would rather haul something apart and go right through it so I know right where I am on the day of launch. I would be a fool to think I am going to buy a $1400 boat that size and have it in the water in a week.

Does anyone think it makes sense to sell the expensive AQ170 in parts or whole to help fund a re-power.

I have seen both GM v-6 and v-8 engines from that era AQ something that look like they MIGHT connect to that out drive???

I would also like to add that with my experience rebuilding a motor for me is a piece of cake. Outdrives are going to be a learning experience but one I am sure I can handle. My past boats have been either sail or smaller outboards.
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Jun 30, 2008
Issues to consider when swapping motors, off the top of my head.

You will also need a different flywheel cover to go with the GM based engines. Because of the age of the original, I'm not sure the drive shaft from the new flywheel cover will mate with the ujoint yoke on the outdrive. It may fit fine, but...

The gear ratio in the One year old drive would be nice to know for sure. The correct gear ratio is needed for good performance in the boat. There were three ratios used depending on the motor.

New motor mounts may be needed to be installed in the hull to support the new engine.

A new exhaust Y pipe would be necessary if you switch to a V style motor, and you may need a new transom shield to fit the new y pipe to. Or go through hull exhaust to avoid the new y pipe and transom shield, but make a lot more noise while boating.

There may be other issues I'm missing. The point is, get ready to run into these sort of things that can set you back. boats are not like cars. the used market is much smaller and used part are very expensive, especially Volvo Penta parts. don't expect to get your money back when you sell it. It just doesn't happen on these type of projects. If you choose to go ahead with this or any other boat project, the guys on this site will help!


Jul 14, 2011
Issues to consider when swapping motors, off the top of my head.

You will also need a different flywheel cover to go with the GM based engines. Because of the age of the original, I'm not sure the drive shaft from the new flywheel cover will mate with the ujoint yoke on the outdrive. It may fit fine, but...

The gear ratio in the One year old drive would be nice to know for sure. The correct gear ratio is needed for good performance in the boat. There were three ratios used depending on the motor.

New motor mounts may be needed to be installed in the hull to support the new engine.

A new exhaust Y pipe would be necessary if you switch to a V style motor, and you may need a new transom shield to fit the new y pipe to. Or go through hull exhaust to avoid the new y pipe and transom shield, but make a lot more noise while boating.

There may be other issues I'm missing. The point is, get ready to run into these sort of things that can set you back. boats are not like cars. the used market is much smaller and used part are very expensive, especially Volvo Penta parts. don't expect to get your money back when you sell it. It just doesn't happen on these type of projects. If you choose to go ahead with this or any other boat project, the guys on this site will help!

Thank you for all the info. I do certainly appreciate your more experienced perspective on this. I will agree with you on value of a re-powered project. I found a similar boat for 4K that was re-powered 5 years ago with 3.0 Mercruiser I/O. With the bad press the AQ170 gets I am not sure anyone would buy it with that motor! I love Swedish cars very well built and have actually worked on the little 4 cylinders and probably one of these too.

Flywheel cover = bell housing? I had read there were course and fine splines. I think a lot of the compatibility issues is why I was thinking of getting donor boat. If I were to go with a donor boat how would i deal with the transom? Is this a glass job or is there someone making a 3/8" stainless plate or something you would bolt onto the transom.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 27, 2010
One thing you are gonna love about Volvo outdrives, is the cone clutch. No grinding when putting the gear lever into forward or reverse. No engine stalling because the shift module is out of adjustment