Re: Dumb question concerning Baitcasting reel
Good choice there YellowTJ. You will be very pleased with that reel. That is the same one I started out with 2 years ago, and after getting used to it, I won't even pick up a spinning reel. Your right, this is the only way the reel comes.( cast with right hand with good thumb control, and switch rod to left hand to reel) It did take some getting used to, but then was very easy. Just remember to set your lure weight with the little wheel.( tighten all the way up, reel lure to tip of pole, hit the release button, the lure should not move because your adjustment is tight, then slowly loosen the adjustment until the lure slowly falls. As soon as the lure hits the ground or water you want the spool to stop. It's easy on backlashes to keep this adjustment a bit tighter, especially on windy day's. Good luck with your new Curado.