Dumb ? on a Mercruiser


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 13, 2002
Bear with me here, I'm getting more familar with my I/O. I have an open cooling system, so my question is; do I have a water pump and an impellar? Water pump for engine and impellar for the outdrive. Had an alignment job done a month or so ago and probably should have had it changed if I have one. They told me everything looked good, but I always hear you guys say it could look brand new and still be bad. Water flow seems good and overheat is not a problem. Water discharge comes out in two places when I have the muffs on. The water from nearest the transom comes out warm which I asume is the water that cools the block and the other discharge by the lower unitcomes out cold. Is this all common? I'm sure it is, I just can't stop learning more about about my setup from you guys. Thanks


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 23, 2001
Re: Dumb ? on a Mercruiser

495v, if you are a chronic guage watcher you can usually tell when a water pump is getting weaker....when a water pump gets weak it will show up at very low rpm first, in gear, at idle...instead of the guage sittin where it always does [somewhere around 140] it will creep up on those long no wake zones...and a slight bump in rpm immediately drops the temp back down...then you know it is time to change it.