dt65 Suzuki does not want to push in forward


Sep 14, 2011
:mad: I have had to work on this engine ever since I got it, now after I got it runnung good the prop does not seem to go into forward like I think it should. It will spin in forward (with water ears on) but only at high RPM and does not make a definative sound or feel when going into forward. Reverse is distinctly noticable when it goes into gear and the prop spins immediately. That is definatly not true for forward. Is there something simple i can do to correct this or should i go back to considering it for use as an anchor.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 2, 2009
Re: dt65 Suzuki does not want to push in forward

1st check your prop for hub spin,disconnect plug wires,key off put into forward it shouldn't without a lot of force, does it make any grinding noise? remove lower unit drain plug look for dark oil and metal chunks, let us know what you find


Sep 14, 2011
Re: dt65 Suzuki does not want to push in forward

I will go do that now. It does have a sort of grinding sound when in reverse but is real smoot in forward. I'll go check the oil and for slipage now.


Sep 14, 2011
Re: dt65 Suzuki does not want to push in forward

Ok, here is the latest. I put the engine in reverse and I had to use a bit of force but I could turn the prop but it did not spin on the shaft. In nuetral it spun freely but in forward(all range) it spun pretty freely with a clicking noise. I did notice the prop moved forward and aft so I watched it and it is loose on the spindle. It is probably not the right prop for the motor since the cotter pin fits and the prop end is approx. 1/8 in behind it. I could not get the screw out to check the oil. I tried to beat on it but was afraid to hit it to hard and crack the case.
Anyway that is where it is right now.

James R

Feb 1, 2007
Re: dt65 Suzuki does not want to push in forward

Ok. Disconnect the cable at the motor and, without the motor running, try shifting at the motor. You may need to rotate the prop by hand to make the shifts. The prop should have a 'locking in" point in both forward and reverse and free in neutral. If you have all of this then the problem is in the cable adjustment. Make the adjustment by unlocking the cable locking nut and adjust by rotating the plastic lug.


Sep 14, 2011
Re: dt65 Suzuki does not want to push in forward

Well I did what you said. When I push the lever toward the forward position I get a click from behind the lever, and the lever will go no further, but the prop still spins freely, shaft and all, and when I push toward reverse I get a definate lock in and the prop quits turning. I suppose that means a lot of expense is in my future.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 2, 2009
Re: dt65 Suzuki does not want to push in forward

sounds like a lower unit. you need a pretty big screwdriver to get drain plug out. try a quarter (.25) and visegrips


Sep 14, 2011
Re: dt65 Suzuki does not want to push in forward

I ended up getting it off the way you said and there was no metal in it. I found out why it would not shift. I took it to a mechanic to rebuild the carborators and he evidently lost a hose clamp and did not retrieve it. It was lodged under the throttle linkage under the front carb. I went ahead and dropped the lower unit and replaced the impellor since the motor was peeing intermittantly. Now it pee's but only when on the water hose. Took it to the lake and it would not pee. There was plenty of water coming out of the exhaust port just below the engine cowl. I ran for about an hour and could put my hand in the exhaust and it was pretty warm but not hot. Don't know what is up with that. The old impellor was not bad either. The engine purrs like a kitten but goes quiet when you put it in gear so you have to do a sort of speed shift if you want to go. The setting on the idle is on fast but turning it any does nothing. So many problems and no fishing!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 17, 2005
Re: dt65 Suzuki does not want to push in forward

"It was lodged under the throttle linkage under the front carb."

Did you mean to say shift linkage? What is the serial number of your motor?


Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 2, 2009
Re: dt65 Suzuki does not want to push in forward

thats good no lower unit damage.sometimes pee hose gets clogged, run a piece of wire up pee hole while running it should start to pee again. be careful with a high idle it will damage clutch dog in lower unit


Sep 14, 2011
Re: dt65 Suzuki does not want to push in forward

I am not at home right now so I cannot give the serial number. I have put wire into the hole and it will only go as far as the engine block at the top bend in the hose, i would have to remove the electrical box to get to the outlet to remove the hose to go any further. Yes I meant the shift linkage. My mistake. How bad is it to run it with water coming from the exhaust and not the pee hole? I am just wondering. I want to go fishing and it is killing me to have to stay home and work on this motor. I hope i am close to getting it running. thanks guys for the info. You are helping me greatly.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 17, 2005
Re: dt65 Suzuki does not want to push in forward

Great that you solved the shifting mystery, you might want to mention that to the service manager or find another shop. Next priority is the cooling issue since it sounds like things got worse when you replaced the impeller, are you confident that you got all the rubber "fins" compressed and rotated in the proper direction on assembly? Was the rubber grommet at the end of the water tube in good shape? May well be just a clogged pisser but to be safe, get the cooling issue resolved first.

Next the timing, can't know for sure what model/year you have yet but if you have the adjustable idle speed switch I'm guessing late 80's. If that switch is bad, open, it will retard your idle timing, possibly causing your current stalling problem.

Lastly the prop, that cotter pin is meant to keep a castellated nut from loosening, along with spacer/washers to locate the prop on the shaft. Post some photos of what you have.


Sep 14, 2011
Re: dt65 Suzuki does not want to push in forward

Thanks, it is a 65 model. I was thinking about that gromet. It might have slid up the tube or something like that. I am sure the fins are in the right direction hence the peeing right after putting it back together. I did check twice to make sure it was pointing the right direction.
The idle switch makes no difference where it is located. Is there some linkage adjustments that I can do to raise it tad bit?
I contacted my local salvage and they have a prop for my engine. I am going to pursue that on Tuesday. This prop is causing cavitation, and a very hard time turning the boat to the left. It will fly right but left takes some muscle. For the amount of RPM's the boat is not very good. I don't have a tach but with it about 3/4 throttle the boat is planing but is only going about 25. After having quite a few boats in my life I can assure you this is not acceptable for this boat with a motor that size. You will just have to trust me on that one. With the prop fully seated it is about an inch to the cotter pin.
Thanks for the info and I will get back to you as I know something more.
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Sep 14, 2011
Re: dt65 Suzuki does not want to push in forward

I went to my mechanic and got a newer prop but it fits exactly the same way. There must be a deep spacer that goes after the prop. I don't know?
He also said I could run the engine witht the water coming out of the exhaust and not out of the pee hole as long as I check it often for heat range. As long as I can put my hand in it then it is not over heating. I still would like to see water out of the hole.
As far as being able to raise the idle a bit, I still know nothing. What should I really do about these problems?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 17, 2005
Re: dt65 Suzuki does not want to push in forward

Still need the serial number and a photo of your prop mounted on the shaft.