DT115 won't fire (at all) now.


Apr 18, 2001
Thanks in advance for any light you may shed on my misfortune. <br />Okay.... I own an '88 DT115 that has run like a scalded dog for most of the 4 years I've owned it. <br />Last week I launched on the Potomac & had to crank it quite a few (10 - 15) times to get it to start. I then took off, only to have the rev. limiter & warning beeper sound, telling me there was an oil flow problem. <br />No biggie, I changed to the spare oil filter I carry, since this isn't the 1st time for that experience. <br />Afterward, it immediately starts and I go about 5 miles upriver. 2 hours later, it fires up great once again, and I head 30 god-forsaken miles downriver from where I launched. <br />I fish for 2 hours, try to start it and........ It turns over fine, but no cough, no smoke, no sputter, no nuthin. <br />Not even a faint glimmer of hope.<br />I replaced all plugs since I had them, but not unexpectedly, I get the same non-result. <br />I've purposely stayed out of the I.C. ignition housing, except for once 4 years ago to replace the charging circuit fuse. <br />So I'm 99.999% certain that it was nothing I did. <br />What I'm looking for is a place to start troubleshooting, as I'm not an O/B mechanic, & don't even play one on T.V. <br />I'm not mechanically ignorant, but outboard ignition specialist isn't exactly what I write into the "Occupation" box of my tax form each year, if you know what I mean. <br />Any help, or a place to jump in would be greatly appreciated. <br />Those shiny, new DF140's sure look nice except for the price tag, then ye olde DT115 wins the pageant hands down.<br />Thanks again, <br />Frank S.


Apr 18, 2001
Re: DT115 won't fire (at all) now.

Yep, kill switch is a-ok. <br />It was the 1st thing I checked, but I understand your asking.

jim dozier

Lieutenant Commander
Jan 8, 2003
Re: DT115 won't fire (at all) now.

Now that you're safely back at home purchase an inexpensive spark checker at an auto parts store and verify that the spark plugs are sparking a nice strong blue spark. If they are pull the air box off of the carbs and squirt some premix into the carb throats. If it fires up you know you have a fuel related problem (too little). You then need to find out if fuel is reaching the carb bowls, if not you have a problem in the tank, pickup, fuel line, or fuel pump. If fuel is in the carb bowls you have a problem in the carbs and they need rebuilding. Those Mikunis like to be kept clean iside. Also check to make sure that the electric choke is COMPLETELY closing the choke butterflies. An incomplete choking will cause hard cold restarts.


Apr 18, 2001
Re: DT115 won't fire (at all) now.

Thanks Jim. <br />I was getting fuel to the carbs, but no spark. To make matters strange, I discovered a partially severed positive cable lead from the outboard to the battery. <br />I cooked on a fresh one, connected the hose to it, and (you guessed it) it fired right up. <br />I took it out to try to recreate the circumstances, only I shut it down at the ramp. It re-fired like a champ. <br />Now I'm semi-chicken to go any distance in it. So my new question is; <br />Can an outboard get enough of a charge to turn the starter without a hitch, but not enough to fire the coils? <br />Thanks again.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 23, 2003
Re: DT115 won't fire (at all) now.

Where there is a bad connection and a high current draw such as you have when you turn the starter motor, there is a large voltage drop or loss to the remaining system. This could be enough to shut your ignition system down. I think you have found the cure.