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- Apr 18, 2001
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Thanks in advance for any light you may shed on my misfortune. <br />Okay.... I own an '88 DT115 that has run like a scalded dog for most of the 4 years I've owned it. <br />Last week I launched on the Potomac & had to crank it quite a few (10 - 15) times to get it to start. I then took off, only to have the rev. limiter & warning beeper sound, telling me there was an oil flow problem. <br />No biggie, I changed to the spare oil filter I carry, since this isn't the 1st time for that experience. <br />Afterward, it immediately starts and I go about 5 miles upriver. 2 hours later, it fires up great once again, and I head 30 god-forsaken miles downriver from where I launched. <br />I fish for 2 hours, try to start it and........ It turns over fine, but no cough, no smoke, no sputter, no nuthin. <br />Not even a faint glimmer of hope.<br />I replaced all plugs since I had them, but not unexpectedly, I get the same non-result. <br />I've purposely stayed out of the I.C. ignition housing, except for once 4 years ago to replace the charging circuit fuse. <br />So I'm 99.999% certain that it was nothing I did. <br />What I'm looking for is a place to start troubleshooting, as I'm not an O/B mechanic, & don't even play one on T.V. <br />I'm not mechanically ignorant, but outboard ignition specialist isn't exactly what I write into the "Occupation" box of my tax form each year, if you know what I mean. <br />Any help, or a place to jump in would be greatly appreciated. <br />Those shiny, new DF140's sure look nice except for the price tag, then ye olde DT115 wins the pageant hands down.<br />Thanks again, <br />Frank S.