DT115 Sputtering


Apr 18, 2001
Hello, and thank you in advance for any info \ insight.
I have a 1988 DT115 that I have referenced here before.
The new problem (no. 1) is as follows:
Engine starts, runs fine, but then..... it will start to pulse, similar to a water or oil flow problem, but not as rapid a pulse, and there is no indicator light or buzzer alarm. The audible alarm does still work, as I hear it until the water flow sensor trips on startup. I can then shut it down or idle for a bit, then get on plane again, but the same problem arises again, without as much run time between pulsing incidents. In short, it seems to happen more frequently as it gets warmer. It seems more likely to be electrical than fuel oriented, but I've been wrong before (more than once).
Thanks for taking a look, I appreciate it.