If your a fisherman, and like using trees and things on the bank to set lines, USE A DRY STORAGE BOX! I never would have gave it a second thought but one day while setting a drop line with multiple hooks on the Ohio River I had a problem. While my buddy was backing up in his boat and I was feeding out the line and hooks, one of the hooks stuck into my palm past the barb. Being that it was a flat bottom boat and I was on the very front, I had a choice; iether get half my hand ripped off or take a swim in the Ohio. So I took a swim in the Ohio, cell phone, wallet and keys in pocket. Thankfully I landed in only about 8 feet of water and was able to use the same line stuck in my hand to pull myself back up on the bank while my buddy said "what are you doing dude". Anyways, point being, have a storage place to keep your stuff while on a boat caused you never know whats gonna happen. $100 insurance payment cause of something that stupid is not very fun.