Drugs Kill


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 18, 2006
Well, last night at work I yet again saw another tragic end to another young life. A 21 year old overdosed on heroin and died on the scene before the ems crew could get to him. It seems in our city this is becoming epidemic. But the reason for me writing this is to inform some people about the signs of an OD of opiates. In speaking with the people the deceased was with they all stated the guy was also drinking booze and was breathing shallow. After a while he passed out and his breathing turned to gurgling and then it stopped. All the people that were with him attributed it to "just being drunk". If they knew the deep shallow breathing and gurgling noises meant he was drowning in his own fluids I'm sure they would have called EMS earlier. This is about the 40th time I have heard this story many dead bodies later and know that these people could be brought back pretty easily with a shot of narcan if tended to soon enough. So if you ever find yourself in this type of situation, CALL 911 ASAP, you may save a life.

scca vette

Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 23, 2009
Re: Drugs Kill

Do you think maybe some of these people do know that something is wrong however spend some critical time trying to get rid of the drugs and delay calling for help thinking they will be arrested?

Though the death of somebody is a tragic thing and even worse when they are young, I have never felt any sympathy for anybody that dies doing illegal or abusing legal drugs. They knew the risks when they chose to do them and paid the ultimate price for their decision. My sympathy does go out to the kids family for their loss.


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 18, 2006
Re: Drugs Kill

Do you think maybe some of these people do know that something is wrong however spend some critical time trying to get rid of the drugs and delay calling for help thinking they will be arrested?

Though the death of somebody is a tragic thing and even worse when they are young, I have never felt any sympathy for anybody that dies doing illegal or abusing legal drugs. They knew the risks when they chose to do them and paid the ultimate price for their decision. My sympathy does go out to the kids family for their loss.

I agree with what you say and my opinion is about the same as yours I am pretty numb to it by now but I am just venting a little bit and thought some info may go a long way. And yes there is critical time wasted hiding drugs and apprehension for calling because of potential arrest.