Draining Merc 4.3 - Winterization Question


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 12, 2007
I have agreed to help a friend winterize his 1994 Mercrusiser 4.3 LX Alpha one engine (Raw water cooled - Serial #OF 280882). Since draining the engine properly is of critical importance, I would appreciate if some of you could review the plan below and let me know if I am missing something or have any other suggestions to make sure nothing in the engine will freeze over the winter:

- Remove drain plugs on each side of the engine and use a wire or screw driver in the drain hole to make sure that all the water comes out
- Remove drain plugs or hoses on both exhaust manifolds and use the wire/screw driver
- Remove the engine water pump hose and drain
- Remove hose to the power steering coolder if possible and drain. If I can't access this hose since it is in the back of the engine, can't I pour anti-freeze into the power steering cooler through the hose on the front of the engine so that the antifreeze will flush any water out of the power steering cooler?
- Use a wire to make sure that the vent holes and drain plugs on the outdrive are open

Thanks for your help. :)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: Draining Merc 4.3 - Winterization Question

Tom, that sounds good, however, you have stabilized the fuel, run the motor up to operating tem, fogged it out and then drained and changed the oil and filter? Then drain the water as you described, and pour some antifreeze into each hose until it emerges from each drain and the outdrive water intakes. Now changed the gear oil and hit the grease fittings on the outdrive. On the Alpha I gen I outdrives, the u-joints need to be greased as well.