can tell me how to build a jack plate
i have a 18 ft crestliner
with a 100 johnson
i am change the transom
make it taller
so i wanted to install a jack plate
so i can restall the moto in the right spot
some one cut the transom down
i am going to repair it
but i want to use this boat for fishing
so i wantto be able
to get all the way up to the transom
when fishing
with a jack plate i could do this & not have the big area to tilt the motor
just raise it to tilt it
the dip i my transom is over a ft
i would like to make the dip a little as possable
can some one please hell me
i hope everyone can read this ok
i have dislexia
so i do not speel to well
i am disabled
on a low income
so building a jack plate my self
would be my best way out
but i have never seen one
so i dont know what they look like
how big they need to be
can tell me how to build a jack plate
i have a 18 ft crestliner
with a 100 johnson
i am change the transom
make it taller
so i wanted to install a jack plate
so i can restall the moto in the right spot
some one cut the transom down
i am going to repair it
but i want to use this boat for fishing
so i wantto be able
to get all the way up to the transom
when fishing
with a jack plate i could do this & not have the big area to tilt the motor
just raise it to tilt it
the dip i my transom is over a ft
i would like to make the dip a little as possable
can some one please hell me
i hope everyone can read this ok
i have dislexia
so i do not speel to well
i am disabled
on a low income
so building a jack plate my self
would be my best way out
but i have never seen one
so i dont know what they look like
how big they need to be