Do i Winterize it?


Mar 27, 2007
I am new at boating and i would like some help regarding winterizing a 5 hp Johnson outboard. I am going to be storing this engine in my basement for the winter and I wanted to know if i still need to winterize even though its going to be indoors? Would it be safe to store it without winterizing it?, any advice would be appreciated.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 14, 2004
Re: Do i Winterize it?

You do not have to worry about freezing but.......

It's still a good idea to service the lower unit and run stabilizer treated fuel through the carb before storage.


Jul 18, 2006
Re: Do i Winterize it?

I always thought that storing your motor in your basemant was a no-no.
Something about the humidity from the furnace and what not. That it would pit the cylinder walls, but if it was outside and fozen there is less of a chance of that happening. So i have always just winterized mine and let it sit in the detached garage. That is just what i heard.


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 28, 2004
Re: Do i Winterize it?

I don't think the need for winterizing an outboard, or the procedure is different whether the engine is stored indoors or out. The freezing temps is not an issue - because an outboard self drains the water from the cooling system, therefore not an issue if it's outdoors or indoors.

You should read the winterizing FAQ in the FAQ section and follow all steps. If it were mine, I would

change l/u oil
run stabilized fuel through it and stablilize fuel in tank.

PS: if you don't have an owner's manual for this engine, you should get one. It will have info on care and general maintenance.


Vice Admiral
Jun 18, 2006
Re: Do i Winterize it?

I agree with DaJohnson

- change l/u oil
- run stabilized fuel through it and stablilize fuel in tank.
- fog it

You definitely want to change the LU oil to get any water out. And fogging it with spray would solve any furnace issues (not that I've head of that)

Also, not fully accurate that the engines self drain when upright, some keep water in the water pump unless you manually turn the flywheel a few turns when vertical to get all the remaining water out.

Also, always assume something will drain out over the winter and put something under it to catch it. I find something ALWAYS dribbles out and can make a mess of a nice concrete floor.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 21, 2007
Re: Do i Winterize it?

Any BRP dealer will have it on the shelf.

Gary H NC

Fleet Admiral
Dec 1, 2005
Re: Do i Winterize it?

Most auto parts stores sell Deep Creep,Its Seafoam in a spray can.It works ok to fog the engine with.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 24, 2007
Re: Do i Winterize it?

Not storing it in a basement? That's ridiculous. If there was any corrosive gases, they go up the flue, otherwise they would make you sick. Store it indoors where it won't freeze. Fog or spray it with sea foam, and it will be fine. Rick

Cricket Too

Lieutenant Commander
May 14, 2003
Re: Do i Winterize it?

Not storing it in a basement? That's ridiculous. If there was any corrosive gases, they go up the flue, otherwise they would make you sick. Store it indoors where it won't freeze. Fog or spray it with sea foam, and it will be fine. Rick

I don't think anybody mentioned anything about corrosive gases, the issue was humidity, which is very high indoors especially by a furnace.

Also the cold doesn't have any effect on an outboard, if anything it's better for it, it's not like leaving your dog outside, it doesn't feel the cold and wish it was inside in a nice warm house. If you change the lower unit oil, there's nothing to freeze. There's barely any humidity outside in cold weather, which is why things are always stored in the a refrigerator.

Fogging has nothing at all to do with the cold, it's strictly for leaving a coat of protective oil on the internals so no rust will occur while it sits, which will happen way easier inside a damp, humid basement.

Also I would use real fogging oil, and not Deep Creep. I've never understood how the same thing can be used for a Decarb, but must be blown out after 15 minutes or so, and advises not to leave it in overnight....but can somehow also be used as a fogging oil to sit in the engine for 3 months??? Not to mention if you feel it, it's not as think as real fogging oil.


Vice Admiral
Jun 18, 2006
Re: Do i Winterize it?

I wonder that about Deep Creep also... how can it fog an engine (spray in while running til it stalls) and also be used as a quick start? Huh? But it says it does em both!


Mar 27, 2007
Re: Do i Winterize it?

I don't think the need for winterizing an outboard, or the procedure is different whether the engine is stored indoors or out. The freezing temps is not an issue - because an outboard self drains the water from the cooling system, therefore not an issue if it's outdoors or indoors.

You should read the winterizing FAQ in the FAQ section and follow all steps. If it were mine, I would

change l/u oil
run stabilized fuel through it and stablilize fuel in tank.

PS: if you don't have an owner's manual for this engine, you should get one. It will have info on care and general maintenance.

Do you know where i can get a manual?


Supreme Mariner
Jun 21, 2007
Re: Do i Winterize it?

Check ebay first. Look for an OEM manual, I would reccomend that over a Clymers or Seloc.

If not there, you can get factory reprints at


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 28, 2004
Re: Do i Winterize it?

Check ebay first. Look for an OEM manual, I would reccomend that over a Clymers or Seloc.

If not there, you can get factory reprints at

Big ditto to what HighTrim wrote. I've been able to find owner's and service manuals on ebay, but it can take some time. Easier and quicker (but potentially more expensive) is Ken Cook's

You can also do a websearch and other companies resell them - but they generally order them from Ken Cook. In my limited experience, it was quicker to go right to the source. You might check there first to see how expensive they are - this may motivate you to spend some time on ebay!

If it's a fairly recent engine, your local dealer might have it.

By the way, for general owner maintenance and operation get the Owner's manual. For more involved repair and service, get the service or shop manual. The shop manual won't have good, handy info on basic operation and maintenance though.


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 28, 2004
Re: Do i Winterize it?

I wonder that about Deep Creep also... how can it fog an engine (spray in while running til it stalls) and also be used as a quick start? Huh? But it says it does em both!

I've always been suspicious about deep creep and seafoam. If you read the cans it sounds like they can do everything. I wonder what they're really best at? I can't imagine that the same substance is ideal for

1 de-carboning (a solvent)
2 fuel stabilization
3 fogging (a lubricant)

I'm no chemist so may well be FOS, but I would have to be shown how 1 and 3 are consistent with one another.

So far, the only thing I've used it for is #1. I use StaBil for #2 and a specific fogging oil for #3.