Looking at a 16ft alum bass boat that comes with mercury motors. Im looking at a 50hp(boat's max rating). I will be fishing in this boat anywhere from 1 to 4 weekends out of each month on lakes and rivers in TX. During summers i will go fishing every week. I may not make it to the lake very often as the weather gets cold. The differences in gas usage between the two are not enough to consern me. I know the 2-stroke is a little quicker out of the hole and has more top end speed. I am the type of person that knows how important maintance is so thats not a problem, unless the maintance is something i cant physically do with out certain equipment. Is one less troublesome to start than the other on a daily basis or when it has not been out to the lake for a couple of months? Are EFI engine to complicated and have more machanical problems that the owner cant fix himself? Which one is for me, 2 or 4 stroke?