Re: Do hydrofoils really do anything?

I like the SX tabs and will recommend to those who are remote control challenged . . .
For those of you that do not know our little history . . . some background. I believe that trim tabs should be standard on all v-hulls. I love Smart Tabs and have installed a set for a friend who is, well, uh, remote control challenged . . . They are priced right, the install is very simple, they do what John says they do, and will greatly improve any small boat when they are setup right. I happen to prefer helm adjustable tabs. However, they are more expensive, waaaaaaay tougher to install and require semi-constant attention to be used right; but they can do damn near anything

I always chime in on these threads as John (Messr. SmartaTabla) never misses one and the Bennett guy has not been around much. I'm sort of a self appointed helm-adjustable-tab-defender-dude along with Boatist, f_inscreename and I think Studlymandingo (maybe it's Phatmanmike, I get those two confused as I get closer to remote control challenged age).