Dist removal 1975 Mercury 85 hp


Oct 18, 2012
Hi I need to know the proper way to remove dist. from 1975 85 hp outboard and what to look out for. Any help will be greatly appreciated . Thanks again


Mar 10, 2013
Re: Dist removal 1975 Mercury 85 hp

I just swapped out my distributor today. I have a 1975 Mercury 150hp which I think is the same thing.. First thing, Make sure you unplug your harness! Then I started by removing the cowlings. And removing all wires to trigger, switch box and rectifier. Be sure to label them so you know which ones went where. Remove the linkage from the distributor then set your fly wheel to TDC. I removed the 8 bolts on the top of the fly wheel to remove it. There will be 3 bolts holding the distributor in that you will be able to see once the fly wheel is removed. You will also have to remove the belt cover on top of the distributor and slide the belt off the pulley. Next, remove the 3 bolts and the distributor should slide down.

Hope this helps...


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 14, 2012
Re: Dist removal 1975 Mercury 85 hp

Removal is pretty straightforward but Jhenry covered it well. One think I did was to line up the flywheel and timing mark and then take a picture of it looking down the barrel so to speak and having the center of the flywheel be the reference point of the picture. When you go to re-install it, you can just look a the picture.


Oct 18, 2012
Re: Dist removal 1975 Mercury 85 hp

I just swapped out my distributor today. I have a 1975 Mercury 150hp which I think is the same thing.. First thing, Make sure you unplug your harness! Then I started by removing the cowlings. And removing all wires to trigger, switch box and rectifier. Be sure to label them so you know which ones went where. Remove the linkage from the distributor then set your fly wheel to TDC. I removed the 8 bolts on the top of the fly wheel to remove it. There will be 3 bolts holding the distributor in that you will be able to see once the fly wheel is removed. You will also have to remove the belt cover on top of the distributor and slide the belt off the pulley. Next, remove the 3 bolts and the distributor should slide down.

Hope this helps...

Thanks for the info will try and see what else I can tear up. Thanks again ( I was about ready to use hammer)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: Dist removal 1975 Mercury 85 hp

The distributor body is a snug fit into the housing. Try to convince it to move straight down, so it doesn't bind.