

May 26, 2011
Still looking for "our" boat. The one we wanted last week sold. We've got two we're now we're trying to decide between. Both are year 2000 models. The first is a Chaparral 230ssi with 5.7L and Bravo III dual-prop-258 hours. The second is Four Winns 240 Horizon with 5.7L Bravo I and 247 hours. Both are in great shape. The Chaparral already has a tower installed (which we definitely want). The Four Winns doesn't have a tower yet but does have full enclosures for camping-which we also wanted. The Chap is around $1500 more than the Four Winns. How do these two compare? We've heard good about both Chaparral and Four Winns, but still, does one outdo the other? Also, as far as price goes, is it the same with boats as it is cars-book values matter?


Vice Admiral
Mar 8, 2009
Re: Dilemma

How do these two compare? We've heard good about both Chaparral and Four Winns, but still, does one outdo the other? Also, as far as price goes, is it the same with boats as it is cars-book values matter?

You are going about boat shopping all wrong. If you are buying a used boat, especially 10 years old or more, you need to completely ignore brand. Yep, don't even bother reading what it is, or doing research on the brand. Again, you aren't buying a car! You are buying the maintenance and condition of the boat, nothing more, nothing less. The absolute top, high end boat can be turned to garbage in a year, whereas an economy bayliner from 15 years ago might be a much better boat.

As far as price, people that are used to KBB/nada get frustrated with boat pricing quickly. It varies dramatically in different parts of the country and at different times of the year. Local supply/demand is also a key factor. At least in general, most of the buying guides tend to overestimate the value of a boat, if you pay kbb you probably are being taken. There are exceptions of course, and again, see my first comment about price variations.


Mar 10, 2006
Re: Dilemma

IF and that's a big IF both boats are equal in condition, The Bravo III will be slightly more economical with better holeshot but may not deliver the top end performance of the Bravo I. Both manufacturers build quality boats NEW, but all bets are off as previously stated after 10 years. Conditon, condition, condition is the only way to look at a comparison. Yes the tower is blingy on the Chap, but the day you price out full enclosure canvas you'll find it's equally expensive. So I see it as a push toy and equipment wise. NADA sucks in my market, they're horiffically low and you can't buy a boat worth floating for anywhere near what they say it's worth. But unfortunately unless you're paying cash for it, your bank may hold you to their numbers.


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 24, 2011
Re: Dilemma

ditto on both post, and do not try to price it on-line for what its value is... i priced mine out before i bought it online said its valued around $4000-5000 dependent on condition, however i see boats that have sold for $8000 3 years older and in the same condition if not worse.

like stated above over 5-10 years old brand doesnt matter. have a survey done if possible on them. might cost some dough but longrun if one has a soft floor starting your going to pay more in a few years. otherwise if there both in great condition and you REALLY want that camper top then get it. it will be cheaper to add a ski pylon and some backing plates then a camper top and bimini.


Mar 19, 2009
Re: Dilemma

If you can take both boats to a shop for a survey. Might cost up $100 apiece but you will know what you are looking at. Even more so then brand hours mean very little. Maintainence is KING. I have seen many boats with very low hours that were crap as well as many boats with high (1000+) hours that are in excellent condition. One caution I give for boats that are in that age with the low hours is maint. records. Lots of people who use their boats very little just skip the maint. thinking (automobile mentality) that gee we didn't use it much it dont need manit.
A boat needs maint if it just sits. The impellers go bad and need replacing every other year regardless of use. Oil, hoses, plenty of things that go bad from lack of use as well as heavy use. SURVEY is the best way to know, and it may just give you some bargaining power.