Different question, different motor..


Feb 24, 2003
Newly acquired 1975 Evinrude 20hp on a 14' speedboat..<br />Runs like a top...all the time....YAY! :)<br /><br />BUT....was flushing it out after being in the salt water (The manual says no internal flushing is necessary, but I do it anyway)..<br />Anyways, stuck the garbage can under it (on the boat still) and filled it with water, well over the intake port. <br />I started it and ran it for a few minutes and made sure that it was pumping water out. Shut it off, and felt the urge to start it again...not sure why, except that I'm a guy and I like the noise and smoke.<br />This time, no water spitting out.....ugh. I watched it for a few minutes, and nothing was spitting out the outlet (water outlet/exhaust overflow it says in the manual..) and next to no glub glubbing from the prop area. I was just about to shut it off when it made a belch and started spitting water and steam out the spitter, and the glub glubbing at the prop was back.<br />What's up with that..? Could it be that all the exhaust was coming out the water outlet, and was restricting the flow of water..?<br />Or should I consider tossing in a new impeller?<br />Like a fool, I forgot about this incident and went out the other day. Motor ran like a champ. Thought of the water problem halfway home. *whew*<br /><br />Is this normal operation for a thermostat? Does this motor even have a thermostat? Does it indicate a bad thermostat?<br /><br />New motor to me. Sorry if the answer is obvious and I just don't know it ;) <br />Or am I just looking for problems that aren't there?


Apr 21, 2003
Re: Different question, different motor..

I see 3 things in your near future, a manual, a thermostat and an impeller. If you aren't sure when the last time the impeller was changed , change it. This way you will have a baseline , timewise on how old it is. The same goes for the thermostat. If you thermostat is not opening when the water in the power head gets to it's designed temp. , pressure will build causing the surge you spoke about, it's opening too late and the motor temps rise rapidly. Worst case, the thermostat doesn't open at all, result, blown head gasket, warped head and other nasty stuff. Change the parts and then you won't be in for any sudden surprises.


Feb 24, 2003
Re: Different question, different motor..

How's that go....? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of paddling home......<br /><br />Okay, carb kit for the 4.5, and a thermostat and impeller for the 20. <br /><br />I've got vacation coming up in a week and a half...might as well do it all now as then.<br />thanks!