Decarb procedure should have numerous answers on any www search engine. Just type in the word.
Years ago, when a lot of the old salts that help to make this site what it is today, were able to participate, it was talked about frequently on here and the archives should be full of conversations. It's based upon the application of a "snake oil" addition to your gas/fuel mix. If you don't believe in Sea Form to name one, which is found in most any parts store for the last 40+ years, (why????? Because it works and people buy it) then you best forget it. But if you are, or become a believer, you will add it to your tank every fill up and won't have to do the decarb or any such again.
My last engine was a 2002 90 Merc 2 stroke. Bought it in '04 used, kept it 10 years and never had a fuel related problem and never tore into the fuel system.....carb cleaning or otherwise. Current engine is a '02 115 2 stroke and only had it about 3 years with no fuel related problems using 1 oz per gallon of fuel as recommended on the container every fill up. If you premix, add it to the regular pint of TC-W3 oil/6 gallons of gas for most 50:1 current engines. It doesn't alter the amount of oil used.