Dealer's Strange Recommendation for Volvo 4.3GXI-B Engine Oil


Jun 12, 2004
Greetings all,<br /><br />I purchased a new FourWinns Horizon 180 with the 4.3LGXI-B fuel injected V6 this year. Of course, as everyone knows, the Volvo manual recommends Volvo's synthetic straight weight SAE-30 engine oil. The Seloc manual also states that Volvo has approved Mobile1 5W-30 synthetic oil if the Volvo oil is not available.<br /><br />So, I go to my dealer today to purchase some oil in preparation for winterizing this weekend, and they told me that they are no longer recommending or selling the Volvo straight 30W oil to their customers, because they have had 3 customers bring their boats back with the oil pressure alarm going off, and the engines going into protect (low rpm) mode. When they called Volvo about it, they were told "under the table," to quit using the straight 30W oil and start using the MerCruiser 25W40, because they were experiencing low oil pressure problems due to the lower viscosity of the 30W oil.<br /><br />I live in Oklahoma, not the coolest part of the country to be sure, but not the hottest either (especially this summer--it's been warmer in October than it was in much of July and August!)<br /><br />Has anyone else been told this? I have read some of the discussions between LubeDude and OilDoc, and the multiviscosity oils don't sound as durable to me. And since the engine was started with a synthetic oil, I wanted to keep it synthetic.<br /><br />And Volvo "under the table" recommends the MerCruiser oil? C'mon, if they are changing their lubrication recommendations, they should be upfront about it. This whole thing just doesn't sound legit to me.<br /><br />Has anyone else heard this advice? Do any of you techs have any experience with the Volvo engines and 30W oil? Do I just go ahead and use the Merc oil, or should I stick with the 30W synthetic by switching to Mobile1?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Dealer's Strange Recommendation for Volvo 4.3GXI-B Engine Oil

We are a Volvo dealer......Never heard of such a thing.

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Oct 10, 2004
Re: Dealer's Strange Recommendation for Volvo 4.3GXI-B Engine Oil

I can't comment on Volvo, but that is the reason that Merc. went from recommending the straight 40 weight, to the 25-40. Actually it wasn't that the engines were experiencing low oil pressure, it was that the oil senders on the newer engines were "saying" that the oil pressure was low.

crazy charlie

Vice Admiral
May 22, 2003
Re: Dealer's Strange Recommendation for Volvo 4.3GXI-B Engine Oil

If you can find the straight weight synthetic recommended,I would use it.If your oil sender gets fooled then switch to mobil 1.Charlie


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Dealer's Strange Recommendation for Volvo 4.3GXI-B Engine Oil

hello<br /> I am with DonS on that. never heard of any oil visosity changes. however wehave had some of the pressure switches,not to be confused with the sender, that would give erroneous low oil pressure alarms. I found that by using a NAPA switch that closed at a slightly lower pressure the problem went away. I also tested a few and found they closed at a pressure greater than the specified. I dont know about Your specific model but most use a seperate switch for low oil pressure alarms and a sender for oil pressure reading.<br /> good luck and keep posting


Jun 12, 2004
Re: Dealer's Strange Recommendation for Volvo 4.3GXI-B Engine Oil

I called VP America, and was told "they have no technical support representatives available to speak to consumers." You must deal with your dealer. <br /><br />The lady on the phone did say I was free to use any oil that meets the API service rating recommended, and that she was not aware of any recommendations not to use oil other than that recommendded within the manual.<br /><br />Sheesh! Great customer service!


Aug 14, 2004
Re: Dealer's Strange Recommendation for Volvo 4.3GXI-B Engine Oil

Edit... duplicate post...sorry mods.


Aug 14, 2004
Re: Dealer's Strange Recommendation for Volvo 4.3GXI-B Engine Oil

Originally posted by schud:<br /> I called VP America, and was told "they have no technical support representatives available to speak to consumers." You must deal with your dealer.
That is a very common response. Most manufactuers do not provide tech support direct to end-users. <br /><br />In case you missed it, DonS IS a certified VOLVO tech. He has provided tons of valuable info on this board for that product as well as Merc. He answered your question direct and to the point. :cool:


Jul 4, 2004
Re: Dealer's Strange Recommendation for Volvo 4.3GXI-B Engine Oil

lets see use a different oil because a sender does not work right i guess thats easery than fixing the sender problem<br /><br />tommays


Jun 12, 2004
Re: Dealer's Strange Recommendation for Volvo 4.3GXI-B Engine Oil

KaGee,<br /><br />I have read many of DonS's posts, and have learned a lot from his advice!<br /><br />However, considering Dons in Alaska, and I'm in Oklahoma, I figured that Volvo's oil recommendations may have changed for those operating in warmer climates.<br /><br />It doesn't look like they have, however.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Dealer's Strange Recommendation for Volvo 4.3GXI-B Engine Oil

All of Volvo's oil recommendations are in the owners manual you received with your new boat (and engine/drive package). Why are you going by the aftermarket Seloc manual and not the real Volvo manual.<br />NO Where does the owners manual mention using Mercruiser 25W40 oil. <br />My suggestion is, find a genuine Volvo Penta dealer and get the problem fixed properly, not the quack you are now visiting. <br />There also have been no service bulletins on any problems like that or even a comment about it when the rep visited our shop about a month ago. He did mention a couple of problems on one of the new diesel engines they are working on, but no "Under the table" problems on the gas V6 or V8 engines.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 26, 2004
Re: Dealer's Strange Recommendation for Volvo 4.3GXI-B Engine Oil

There is a direct relationship between oil pressure and oil viscosity (at temperature).<br /><br />Higher viscosity relates to higher oil pressure. Most SAE 30 marine oils will have a kinematic viscosity of 12 (cSt@212'F) or better. The 25W-40 and SAE 40 marine oils will have a viscosity of 15 (cSt@212'F) or better. SAE 50 oils can get into the 17-20 range.<br /><br />Most multi-viscosity oils contain viscosity improvers. These polymer chains can break down and reduce the oil's viscosity when put under extreme conditions such as marine use. Reduced viscosity results in lower oil pressure. The unique 25W-40, SAE straight-grade, and some synthetic marine oils do not have these viscosity improvers. They are less susceptible to viscosity break down (and drops in oil pressure). Marine specific oils also contain the right additives to combat shear breakdown, corrosion, and the fuel and contaminate dilution of marine use. All things that reduce viscosity and lower oil pressure.<br /><br />In the hotter temperatures of Oklahoma, I would suggest using the highest viscosity marine oil recommended by Volvo. Particularly a non-polymer, non-viscosity improved oil. There are some differences between the Mercruisers and the Volvos. Volvo does not specify the 25W-40. Volvo carries the warranty on your new engine, not Mercruiser, or your dealer.


Jun 12, 2004
Re: Dealer's Strange Recommendation for Volvo 4.3GXI-B Engine Oil

Thanks for the good information and advice.<br /><br />I returned the Merc oil and purchased Mobile 1 15W-50 from Wal Mart, which meets the API and viscosity specifications in my Volvo manual. Mobile 1 is also a "pure synthetic," which Volvo also specifies.<br /><br />It's pretty disconcerting to learn that my Volvo dealer (yes Don, they are a Genuine Volvo Penta Dealer) places so little importance on following the manufacturer's lubrication specificatons.