dead out the water


May 3, 2002
need help,94 sunbird vortec v6 200 hp.<br />bought boat with motor on the verge of locking up.<br />motor was running fine but would not turn up ,read a post in here on flapper valve in exhaust,removed flapper valve, cant get any fire to coil,before removing flapper valve i have replaced ignition module plugs,wires,coil,carburator,made sure @no#1 top dead center,everything was fine till removing flapper valve,ive chacked all connections cleaned connections checked kill switch ,every thing, the only thing i havent done is use a gallon of gasoline with a match,now im puzzled ive spent so much trying to get this thing ready i cant even afford the matches,oh by the way ive also replaced that exspensive little vortec starter.<br />any suggestions guys.