"De-winterizing" my Merc. 50


Apr 8, 2006
Hello, 1st post here. :cool: <br /><br />I’m bringing my Bayliner Capri 160 out of its south florida hibernation, and part of the process (asides from polish/buffing the hull) is getting the outboard up to speed. I have a Mercury 50, and the last time I ran it was roughly 3 months ago. So I start it up today, and after quite a bit of winding up it finally coughs to life. It seemed to run fine, until the overheat buzzer came on after about 5 min – I was using the flusher and perhaps it wasn’t getting enough water. <br /><br />Anyhow, is there a checklist or a link to one with “dewinterizing” tips? Or anything to look for out of the top of your mind? I’m extremely ignorant mechanically and would just soon take it to a shop for an inspection but then, even if there ain’t nothing wrong they’d probably replace ½ the motor. On the same token I don’t want to get stuck in the middle of the intracoastal with a seized motor. <br /><br />I can tell you the spark plugs were replaced last year and the impeller is new, so i got those out of the way. <br /><br />Thanks in advance!<br /><br />Ps mods: I would’ve used the search for this but i wasn’t sure what to look for in my case. Sorry if this subject has been beaten to death. :eek:


Apr 8, 2006
Re: "De-winterizing" my Merc. 50

Actually nothing, I realize that I used the word incorrectly. The last time i ran the motor since yesterday was around november and my concern is if there's anything to look out for when going for several months without use.<br /><br />I think it boils down to whether I should take it for an inspection (unfortunately I don't know any trusted boat repair shop) or go ahead and take it for a spin.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: "De-winterizing" my Merc. 50

Fill with fresh fuel and go for it. Make sure you dont forget oil in the fuel and don't let it run hot. You should be fine a lot of boats set longer than that over the winter. Be safe and have fun. <br />Tim


Apr 8, 2006
Re: "De-winterizing" my Merc. 50

Originally posted by Tim Mathis:<br /> Fill with fresh fuel and go for it. Make sure you dont forget oil in the fuel and don't let it run hot. You should be fine a lot of boats set longer than that over the winter. Be safe and have fun. <br />Tim
It has a separate oil resavoir and that's filled, so I should be ok. I'll probably putt around close to my departure point to keep it safe. <br /><br />Thanks for the advice.