Custom canvas and Bilge question


Seaman Apprentice
Dec 24, 2010
Have been boating all my life, but finally pulled the trigger and bought my own in the fall. 1989 Baja 190 Islander 4.3L merc. It will be used mainly for lounging and listening to some Jimmy and early morning fishing trips.

Couple questions and I would appreciate any opinions:

1) I have an existing custom canvas cover that covers from the stern to the windshield(no cover for the bow). So I'm faced with the decision of whether to get a cover just for the bow for about $280, or I can replace the entire canvas for about $600-650. The existing canvas is in decent shape, except the section by the stern is ripped, but the only thing exposed is the swim platform, which I could care less if it's exposed to the elements. I am planning on keeping the existing canvas and scotch guarding it, and buying a new cover for the bow. What do you think?

2) My boat will be sitting in a marina(wet) and I need to do some updating to the bilge pumps. Right now I have an electronic non-automatic bilge. I might be away from the boat for weeks at a time and need some peace when I'm sleeping at night that any rainwater that snuck through the cover will be removed. So I can either purchase a new automatic bilge, or install a float switch to the existing bilge pump and put a new toggle switch in (on-off-auto).



Mar 19, 2009
Re: Custom canvas and Bilge question

1) What ever works for you.
2) Yes that's right. Your choice. Most people will opt for a 2nd pump that is auto. This gives you some back up out on the water.
Also if you are leaving for long periods think about a small solar panel to keep the battery up.


Seaman Apprentice
Dec 24, 2010
Re: Custom canvas and Bilge question

Ok, I like the idea of having a backup. So if I go for a second automatic pump, can I tap into the existing hose....? In simpler terms, if I add a second pump, what do I have to do to get the water out of the boat?


Supreme Mariner
Apr 26, 2002
Re: Custom canvas and Bilge question

You really need a second hookup and through hull fitting without getting involved with check valves to keep one pump from pumping into the other and thus into the bilge.
you could just put the extra hose over the side when your away.Be sure there is no trash in the bilge that could plug the pump screen or foul up the float switch.
Also you may want to check for boat leaks and cover leaks before leaving it for extended times.

Mi duckdown

Apr 14, 2007
Re: Custom canvas and Bilge question

AND see the guy that runs the Marina, to find out what his favorite beverage is to keep an eye on your boat.


Oct 23, 2008
Re: Custom canvas and Bilge question

You absolutely need an automatic pump or add a float switch when leaving the boat unattended in a slip. A second automatic pump should be high on the list also. If your slip has a shore power hookup, get an onboard battery charger to prevent a dead battery from allowing your boat to sink.