Crusader Revs Great! Won't go over 1800 rpm in Gear?!


Aug 21, 2010
Crusader Classic 5.7 litre with direct Velvet Drive Transmission LH Now Runs Great, as long as I don't put it in Gear!
Had a ceramic resistor issue with the engine. Fixed that and now it starts every time and revs up tp 4500. Sounds pretty.
However, when I get out in the open water and put it in gear the engine make a terrible chattering racket and won't get up over 1800 rpm.

It's gotta be an issue with the transmission. Goes into forward and reverse no problem. No hesitation, no "clunks", no strange noises... But it definitely feels as if it is straining when I put the throttle to it. The transmission seems pretty simple. I'm baffled as to what could be going on with it. Anyone have similar problems like this in the past with the velvet drive?


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Crusader Revs Great! Won't go over 1800 rpm in Gear?!

You could rev that engine with a few cylinders not even firing. First things I would do is check compression, verify spark plug wires are in the correct firing order and replace cap rotor and plugs if they haven't been replaced in awhile. Change your fuel filter.

Also, make sure your dwell and timing are set correctly.


Aug 21, 2010
Re: Crusader Revs Great! Won't go over 1800 rpm in Gear?!

Thanks for the reply Bruceb58,

Compression, timing, firing order was checked by a Master Marine Mechanic. Cap, Rotor, Plugs, Coil have been replaced. Have checked the fuel filter, cleaned it out though, reprimed it and reinstalled. Seems to me it would at least sputter, like an auto engine would, if the fuel filter was clogged though. I will check the fuel filter again however and most likely change it. Thanks for the suggestions.

Still feel as though it may be a tranny issue. Do you have any experience with the Crusader Velvet Drive? Ever hear of them freezing at higher RPM's? Could it be a restricted trans fluid issue??


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Crusader Revs Great! Won't go over 1800 rpm in Gear?!

No experience with that drive system. I would think that if it was the transmission, you would, have a LOT of heat build up.

Like I said before, recheck the firing order. I know a Master Marine Mechanic did it but he is human. Check it yourself. That is easy.

When you take a fuel filter off, you always change it because sediment can end up getting in the outlet of the filter when you dump it.

One more thing, make sure you are getting full advance out of your distributor. A distributor with advance weights that are stuck will cause what you are seeing as well.


Aug 21, 2010
Re: Crusader Revs Great! Won't go over 1800 rpm in Gear?!


Thanks very much for the advice. I'll be out to the boat first thing and will check all that you mentioned as well as CHANGE that fuel filter. Not familiar with ..."A distributor with advance weights that are stuck" - unclear what you mean. I am not a mechanic, I only play one on the weekends! I know enough to talk somewhat intelligently about engines, fix a few things and maybe fix a blown head gasket, but not enough to accurately or sufficiently diagnose... or converse with those who do the REAL work. Please enlighten me. Thanks again.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Crusader Revs Great! Won't go over 1800 rpm in Gear?!


..."A distributor with advance weights that are stuck" - unclear what you mean. I am not a mechanic.
Your distributor, if its not electronic, has weights and springs in it which allow spark advance as the engine increases in RPM. This is called centrifugal advance. For example, at idle, your engine is probably set at around 8? and will go up to 31? by the time you reach around 3500 RPM and won't go up any more after that. If it doesn't advance, the spark will occur too late and you can lose a lot of power.

As far as spark plug firing order, I am giving the same advice to this poster:


Aug 21, 2010
Re: Crusader Revs Great! Won't go over 1800 rpm in Gear?!

Got it. Makes sense. Will check the distributor. I do know it is breakerless ignition, without points, if that makes a difference. Also, will Recheck the firing order. Recheck the timing. Change that fuel filter too. Thanks again for the advice and time. My boat engine is a bit like my wife... just as soon as I figure out one thing... something else happens and I'm completely baffled all over again. Keeps it fun though. Oh well back at it in the a.m. Peace.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Crusader Revs Great! Won't go over 1800 rpm in Gear?!

Still need to check advance. It is done electronically but that can still fail.


Seaman Apprentice
Feb 26, 2011
Re: Crusader Revs Great! Won't go over 1800 rpm in Gear?!

Got it. Makes sense. Will check the distributor. I do know it is breakerless ignition, without points, if that makes a difference. Also, will Recheck the firing order. Recheck the timing. Change that fuel filter too. Thanks again for the advice and time. My boat engine is a bit like my wife... just as soon as I figure out one thing... something else happens and I'm completely baffled all over again. Keeps it fun though. Oh well back at it in the a.m. Peace.

In order to check the advance you need to not only set the base timing but confirm that the distributor is advancing the spark as the rpms increase. The best way to do this is with a digital timing light with built in tach. Most likely your distributor has mechanical advance that has counterweights and springs. If the counterweights are stuck or the springs are broken the spark advance will occur either too early or not at all. Had the broken spring problem with my Crusader 454's. Replaced the springs and made a big difference.