Cruiser vs PWC

Kelly Ann

Jul 29, 2002
No wonder people are irritated with PWCs.<br /><br />Yesterday, we took the new project boat out for our first spin. Being new to boating, and the fact that she is a 25ft cruiser, we wanted to be extra careful. Took an experienced boater with us, lake was nearly deserted, took it real easy, etc. Been taking the USPS boating course, too.<br /><br />So, I've been reading all these posts to really watch out for the PWC's and now I know why. Now, I've can drive almost anything, but this is VERY different. First time at the helm, and I am watching like a hawk. Even when the hubby was piloting, I am like the guy in the crows nest. "Got one at two o'clock" type deal. So I am cruising along and notice a PWC that looks like he is heading right for me. Watch him for a second, and yep, here he comes. He's not too close, but I am not taking any chances, I give the proper signal, and of course, he doesn't, so I change course. Guess what? So does he. Now he's coming at me again. This guy starts zig-zagging like he is playing chicken for lords sake! Glad I didn't forget my Soft n dry, cause trust me, I am getting WAY too old for chicken. Finally, I throttle back so I can haul *** if I have to when I figure out what the heck he is doing. This kid zips past starboard not 10 yards, tongue hanging out and laughing the whole time. Has he no idea this glass tub weighs 3500# dry?! I swear, if I had been closer to the water, I'd have snatched the glasses off his fool head and strangled him with them. :mad: <br /><br />If he was a day over sixteen, I'll eat your captains hat.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 15, 2002
Re: Cruiser vs PWC

RidinSpot, remember the little guys(PWC's) are supposed to look out for the big guys. Normaly they like to chase bigger boats, like yours to jump your wakes, which of coarse should put them behind you, not trying to cut you off.This guy sounds like someone trying to prove a point(one that we'll never figure out) Sounds like an idiot with a death wish, or worse, trying to hurt you. My only thought is if you ever see this guy again, slow down and confront him. He will probably not come near your boat to anwser your questions. BTW, do you have any pictures of your project boat, sounds great! PDS


Apr 20, 2002
Re: Cruiser vs PWC

One ounce sinker, big but trebble hook and heavy line usually solves problems with the jet set. I own a slow boat and they can do rings around me but I tend to take an agressive stance and whether or not I hit them they usually get the point.


Jul 12, 2002
Re: Cruiser vs PWC

big but trebble hook <br /><br />as an active jet skier thats rude, but I never jumo wake unless I am tailing a wake boat ( a frieds boat who told you you could) I will try to laod a picture of me 10 feet in the air on one of them :)


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Cruiser vs PWC

Yeah we all talk a good game but....tossing a one ouncer or a treble hook is just plain stupid.<br /><br />If a jet skier is playing stupid he/she just may be stupid. Violence breeds violence. We have a hard enough time staying safe but starting a battle just is not smart.<br /><br />Want to prove your a "functional responsible adult" then lead by example. Get a registration number and just report the careless act. Vigalantism is not the way.<br /><br />Sorry, but it just get my blood boiling to see poor advice. <br /><br />Ridnspot, nice boat. Best of luck with it and happy to read you were adult enough just to get mad. I agree that PWC people have no idea what 3400+ pounds really is.<br /><br />Bob


Apr 20, 2002
Re: Cruiser vs PWC

Hey, I ain't saying I do it regular but when I am set up anchored or tied off fishing in a backwater or cove and they come roaring in I have been known to let fly. Of course when you think about trying to hit a fast mooving jet skier by casting at them you begin to understand it is not possible. What occurs is they get the point that you are not gonna let them ski all over you and usually they leave. Now about the violence part I don't start anything usually I end up finishing it though.

Kelly Ann

Jul 29, 2002
Re: Cruiser vs PWC

Heck, I wouldn't mind being a wake boat, just not a target! :eek: <br /><br />10 Feet!!!! Wow, Sloop, I'd like to see that photo!


May 17, 2001
Re: Cruiser vs PWC

Yeah, those PWC's are like a bunch of West Nile Mosquitos. Pesty little varmits you would like to extreminate. However, they have as much right as anyone with a watercraft.<br /><br />At the dock where my slip is, they have to pass in front of my boat. If they get crusing in the No-Wake Zone, I turn the air pressure up on the ole air horns and get their attention. Usually when they know they are being watched, they will curb their habit of wanting to speed in the no-wake zone. Those that don't know what they are doing are the ones that have rented the PWC. While on the move, I don't give them an inch, I go where I am going to go. Occassionaly I will trim up the outdrive to make some huge rollers for them to jump over. Hey Sloop, I bet you could get 12' off of my wake!


Jun 25, 2002
Re: Cruiser vs PWC

I own both a PWC and a Sports Fisherman, Granted I have done and seen some pretty stupid things here in the inter coastal waterway with both boats. When I'm on my PWC it kinda brings out the kid still in me somewhere. But make no mistake, you cast something at me and what you would find is the man with no sense of humor. If you have ever been on a PWC you would know it turns and accelerates like a really fast motorcycle, I cant imagine intentionally putting myself or someone else in harms way, Although watching my brother and I at times we kind of look like mad men. In the I.W.C. passing 10-yards off your port side is about the normal, Jumping the wakes are illegal here though as it should be anywhere. Be safe and smart, Just get the boat numbers and report him to what ever agency controlls your water-hole<br /><br />Safety is no Accident:


Jul 12, 2002
Re: Cruiser vs PWC

OM MY I hate people who rent, they have not a clue

Capt. Bob

Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 14, 2002
Re: Cruiser vs PWC

Good looking boat Ridinspot. Bet those downriggers set you back a $. Did you leave them on the boat after you bought it?

Kelly Ann

Jul 29, 2002
Re: Cruiser vs PWC

As luck would have it, they came with the boat. I took them off for now. Plan to use them for some heavy duty fishing on Lake Michigan. Just not til we get more experience. Maybe next year.