I just hope I'm in the right section. I recently (Monday) purchased a new 30hp Mercury outboard. Purchased it in Adelaide and had it nicely packaged to bring home, 535km. I had an engine stand ready and placed the new motor on it. Apparently the Dyna screws holding the timber support couldn't hold the weight and it crashed to the ground. After several minutes of expletives, I carried it to the shed to asses the damage. A small chip from the prop, some superficial paint scratches and this bloody great hole in the cowling.
What would be a suitable material to repair it??
1: I thought I could utilise the broken pieces and use an epoxy glue to put them back together, or
2: Just fill the hole with JB Kwik, sand and then repaint, or
3: Pay $200 for a professional plastics company to repair.
Any suggestions, remembering I'm in outback Australia.

What would be a suitable material to repair it??
1: I thought I could utilise the broken pieces and use an epoxy glue to put them back together, or
2: Just fill the hole with JB Kwik, sand and then repaint, or
3: Pay $200 for a professional plastics company to repair.
Any suggestions, remembering I'm in outback Australia.