Re: could someone explain galvanising to me?
Well to explain it simply, Galvanising accrues when steel is submerged in melted zinc, the chemical reaction tales place between the 2 metals permanently bonding the zinc to the steel, the zinc is not like paint because its not a sealer, it actually permanently becomes a part of it. Zinc is impervious to rust and corrosion.<br /><br />As for the terms used its more about how the treatment is applied more than the actual treatment, as you can imagine spraying it on is not actually altering the composition of the metal the way it might if its applied through the hot dip process. The spray can coating is simply a zinc coating. It will help protect any area that has been welded or scratched since the original galvanising was done but it is in no way comparable to the original process that your trailer went through when new. Trailers are galvanised after manufacture. Painting a galvanised trailer is purely cosmetic, as the paint will be long gone before the trailer rusts away.<br /><br />Where in Aus are you?