Could Hood Foam be causing my hard starting problems?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 20, 2007

I have a 97 Model Force 75 HP ELP Engine with only one carb and it is on a 98 Model 22' Creat Pontoon Boat. My motor is always hard to start so I am going to rebuild my carb in the off boating season ( This Winter). The motor has never had the carb rebuilt to my knowledge. I have owned it for six years. My wife will not let me do it until the season is over. Apparently, she does not have a lot of faith in my mechanic ability. :eek:

I have lost a starter almost every year for the last six years due to the boat being hard to start. I have now learned to hit the starter for 15 seconds and then let it cool off for 10 minutes before hitting the key switch again. I have decarbed, checked compression ( was good) and sprayed some marine CRC Carb Cleaner on and in the carb about two weeks ago. It seemed to run better and the carb looked great.

Yesterday, starter #4 broke off at the bendix shaft. I have never seen one fail in this manor. This one was a so called High Torque starter.

When I went to pull off the starter today ( I have one on order from E-Bay), I noticed that the outside of the carb and the entire engine was covered in very fine foam particles from the Hood /Cowl Insulation. My foam has been detoriating over the last six years, but I have not yet pulled it all off. I do not care if the engine is louder, I just want it to crank consistantly. The foam is already 30% gone.

I noticed that the outside of my carb was dusted with this black foam dust. I noticed it because I have just cleaned the outside with Carb Cleaner. I was suprised to see it all dirty again. I then started thinking that this dust was probably getting into my carb. However, once my motor is started, it runs great. It just is hard to start about 75% of the time and I am thinking that the hard start is killling my starters.

I realize this is a dumb question, but would this foam dust make my boat hard to start? I am curious because I would think that it would not let it run at all if the dust was getting into the jets. :confused:

I did a search on Hood Insulation and some of you guys stated the following:

Remove any remaining black sound insulating foam from the hood. It will continue to break off, enter the carbs, and **** up everything.

Could this be the key to my starting problems?

