Costco does it again!


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Using a slick little 1200 psi electric pressure washer that I bought at Costco, I turned my ugly green boat cover back to a beautiful, rich brown color. That's right up there, in my mind, with Costco New York Steaks. I just spent the better part of three hours cleaning half of the Pacific Northwest off my boat cover. (custom made). Unfortunately I have to leave my boat outside in the winter and rely on the well supported boat cover to keep it dry. Well it was time for a tune-up (restitching) and the cover doc said not in my sewing machine unless you clean that botanical garden off of it. As you cannot use any strong chemicals to clean the cover there just MUST be some kind of anti-algae solution that can be apply to the cover that algae does not like. Any ideas amongst the knowing throngs out there. :rolleyes:


Fleet Admiral
Apr 28, 2002
Re: Costco does it again!

My advice is to continue doing what you are now. You will get suggestions to use a clorene & soap solution to clen the crud off. I would stay away from that as clorene is murder on the thread used to stitch the material together. You can also go to a camping supply store and get a waterproofing solution like that used for tents.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Costco does it again!

Thanks SoLittle:<br />as tempting as it sounded, to use bleach, I had been previously advised that not only would it hurt the threads, it would be hard on and discolor the acrylic canvas fabric. Just prior to pressure washing the cover I ran it thru a 55 lb commercial washing machine. That was a waste of 5 bucks. It didn't touch the algae and mildew.<br />I just went out this morning to revue my handy work from the evening b4. The boat cover has dried from the pressure washing and it looks like new. The boat cover doc also recommended a product called Aquatite to reseal the cover. I got it from an upholstery supply house for $28.00 a gallon.<br /><br />I was hoping to find an algae/mildew retardant, not a cleaner, that wouldn't hurt the fabric.

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: Costco does it again!

spray - nine .. is some awlsome stuff... <br /><br />only can get it in home centers & hardware stores... also comes in gallons...