Cooked 35hp 70ish Johnson

May 21, 2001
I've cooked the donk. discolored head, pulls but tighter. won't fire. Can anybody tell me what to expect. What are the proceedures etc.<br />I haven't any idea why it happened except I let somone tune it up and he may have run it dry.It has low hrs since rebuild.<br />Thanks for great site.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Cooked 35hp 70ish Johnson

You need to determine the damage, figure out the cause and decide if it is worth the repair cost. Discolored head could be caused by a number of things. Your water pump may have failed, was there proper oil mixed with the gas, the timing could have failed or even the possibility of a broken ring. At this point I would probably remove the head and look at the cylinder walls. this will give you a slight idea of what is ahead. Good Luck.