Re: convert from I/O to outboard
I figured that the horse power would have to be close to it or a little higher
than current engine, like you said a Yamaha 300HP would be tempting.
I used to work for Bertram Yachts years ego, my specialty was fiberglass construction/building and finish, closing the outdrive hole and reinsforcing the transom would not be aproblem for me to do, actualy would look like it was never there, my biggest concern is riging the outboard and the balance of the vessel once everything is installed, I've heard that some boats in this convertion tend to tilt forward and have more problems to plane than before. I also heard there are companies that build the outboard brackets and they have special formulas to make the brakets extended enough so that it balances once the engine mounts on it. Have you heard of anyone that have ever done this before?