Conversion Suzuki DT6 to DT8?


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 23, 2003
hello, heres one for the experts again:<br />Ive just bought a very nice little Suzuki DT6, it was first sold in 1998 and has maybe 5 hours on it since then- looks and runs like new. In the manual Ive seen that the smaller Suzukis (DT5, DT6 and DT8) are all mechanically similar, so Id like to know what I would have to do to beef my 6hp up to the 8hp version? There is a little sheetmetal with a hole in it installed between the carb and motorhousing- I´ve also got a similar piece with a slightly smaller bore to reduce power down to 5hp (you dont need a license for motors up to 5hp over here!) Could I just take that piece of metal out and expect the full 8hp or do I also have to do something to the carb like installing bigger jets or whatsoever? Any help would be welcome, thanks-a-lot!


Re: Conversion Suzuki DT6 to DT8?

Rotti,<br /><br />I think you've got it. <br /><br />Many of them Japanese engines used restrictor plates for different HP engines with the same powerhead.