Re: compression test
Yes, Fish Man. Examine a sample of oil from the gearcase. Loosen the bottom screw-in plug. Pull it out quickly and then replace it after wiping it on your finger.<br /><br />Rub your fingers together and feel how much metal fragments are there. They should be minimum or none. The oil should not be milky and no water should have come out when you pulled the plug.<br /><br />When you have the spark plugs out for the compression check examine them. They should be grey to tan, dry and without a lot of deposits.<br /><br />On the sea trial: The engine should reach 5000 to 5500 rpm at full throttle, but not over 6000. (Confirms proper prop.)<br /><br />That's all I can think of.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . .<br />JB