Re: Combustion chamber Volume ?
I can tell you A way to do it but you probably already know. This has to be done with the head off but it's a cheap way to do it. You need something like a turkey baster (if you can get a large syringe it would be better), a piece of plexiglass large enough to cover the chamber, some vaseline and light weight oil. Drill two small holes in the center of the plexiglass, one large enough for the tip of the baster/syringe, and one a little smaller to evacuate the air as the chamber fills. Place a seal of vaseline around the chamber, cover it with the plexiglass, and inject the chamber with the oil until it comes out the second, smallest hole. Carefully monitor the amount of fluid, and thats the volume. Around 66CC I think. I'm sure you know this procedure already, just thought I would offer my 2 cents worth.