

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 9, 2010
Well, here we go again..! The five years is up. This coming Tuesday I'll be watching myself on the TV monitor.

I've had the procedure twice before and it isn't bad. But OH THAT PREP...!

No solid food all the prior day. Beginning at 5:00 PM the night before, "Drink one large (8-10oz) glass every 10-15 minutes", until half a gallon is gone. Then await the inevitable consequences. Repeat the next morning with the other half gallon. By the time of the actual procedure, you're tired, dehydrated, and willing to allow almost anything to be done to you just to get it over with so you can eat something....!

My question is "Do the rich and famous undergo the same prep, or is there something else hidden from us common folk which will accomplish the desired results?" Somehow I just can't picture any of the stars doing all this. I just can't.

Oh well, I should be good for another five years.


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
I had it done a couple years ago. I had to drink the full gallon in a matter of hours. That was a treat. Once it kicks in boy does it kick in. I hear they have something else out there that isn't a gallon of fluid. My doc preferred the gal. method. I think he just wanted me to suffer.....


Staff member
Jul 18, 2011
I cannot imagine the rich and famous having gooey liquid squirting out of their b-hole for several hours waiting for it to turn clear. Maybe they have MRI's instead . . .


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
I hope they do since they're full of it anyway....... :)


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
The rich and famous pay a surrogate to take the test - Just like having their babies. Don't you guys read the National Inquirer? :facepalm:

Seriously, I sure hope all is well after enduring the prep, generator.


Jan 6, 2002
Nah, the rich and famous have cameras, hoses and such shoved up their butts just like we do. The prep sux. When I went for mine, I threatened the anesthesiologist and the next thing I remember was eating a breakfast burrito in the McDonalds drive through. The wife told me I took off out of the little curtained recovery area nekkid as the eyes of a clown with my shirt over my head. She swears I did it and the doctor came in to talk about everything, had to help catch me and help her help me get dressed. I don't remember ANY of that.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 24, 2007
You guys are getting ripped off if you're getting hosed (pun intended) every five years. I had colon cancer, got the scope at 1 year post op, 3 years, 5 years, and the next is at 10 years. Same MD each time, and he understood very well that he'd be in deep do-do (pun intended) if I remembered anything about the procedure ... ;)

Same prep each time, although you have to commit to a full day of prep: clear liquids on prep day (plus jello), 238g Miralax, clear liquid of your choice. Mix 1/2 the Miralax in a quart of whatever. Begin at 8:00 am, drink an 8 oz glass every 15 minutes. Repeat at 4:00. Mine always kicked in late afternoon or early evening, pretty much done by 11:00, or so. Nothing additional morning of, never had to have one repeated, all were pink and pretty except the first. That one showed a garden growing where it shouldn't have been ... :facepalm:


Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
no history of colon issues in family so ive been informed by the doc it is now every 10 the call and new schedule last month.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I too understand now that unless you are having problems, and/or family history, they are forgoing those scheduled tests now (at least in my area) stating they have zero facts to prove the regular 5 year frequency is providing to be any the patient. I'm sure the doctors and anisteiologiest (sic and I am not even going to loo it up) are making both their house and new Mercedes monthly payments, daily, from such tests... I had mine a few times without any problems. In fact the doctor actually stated that I was "clean as a whistle". I could have told him that going in. I thing that is all my entire intestinal track was passing, air sounding like a whistle. I mean I couldn't get further then a few feet from the bathroom without mount Saint Helen erupting every ten minutes like clockwork! I now know exactly how Old Faithful feel erupting on time! In fact I even had to go TWO more times laying on the gurney and asked the doctor what was going to happen once he put me out and I had to go. He stated HE would take care of that. So I honestly don't know if he battled anymore eruptions or not...kind of hope so in a sadistically type way! I often wonder what those Hollywood types are doing with their "Colon Cleaning Diets". Could you possibly think of any worst type diet? But then look at the folks doing such. Don't seem to have a lot going on upstairs anyways! JMHO!

Anyway, I Hope all comes out good...wait, I mean find...Oh...I mean everything will be Okay with your test! :facepalm:


May 21, 2011
When I was 21 or 22 I had some very serious pain and ended up in the ER. Turned out to be a volvulus (picture a kinked garden hose) and I was within a few hours of death. They did emergency surgery and removed a section of colon. Six months later and same thing happened in a different section of colon. The doc removed more colon and plumbed in a temporary colostomy. I had that for 3 months then had the surgery to install a coupling :D.

I still have bowel obstructions from time to time and other times the UC inflicts serious pain. I hear gm280 on the eruptions.

For me it is like clockwork to get this done every 5 years.....due in March.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
My doctor doesn't believe in having colonoscopies done. He says the detection rate(30%) is the same as doing annual stool samples. There is also more risk in colonoscopies because of the risk of rupturing the colon. I have a friend that nearly died from the complications of a colonoscopy.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 18, 2014
Well, here we go again..! The five years is up. This coming Tuesday I'll be watching myself on the TV monitor.

Colonoscopy is done under general anesthesia or conscious sedation. You won't be able to watch the procedure (unless you get a digital copy of it and watch later). You sure you're not getting a sigmoidoscopy? Those often don't involve anesthesia and they are recommended every 5 years; colonoscopy every 10.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Colonoscopy is done under general anesthesia or conscious sedation. You won't be able to watch the procedure (unless you get a digital copy of it and watch later). You sure you're not getting a sigmoidoscopy? Those often don't involve anesthesia and they are recommended every 5 years; colonoscopy every 10.

Well not sure about all the others, butt (I had too) I know I got a few colonoscopy in my years because of the eruptions from the prep drink on a timely schedule and the fact that I could pass gas for a few days afterwards without making any sound...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 18, 2014
Well not sure about all the others, butt (I had too) I know I got a few colonoscopy in my years because of the eruptions from the prep drink on a timely schedule and the fact that I could pass gas for a few days afterwards without making any sound...

Meh, semantics.

Still a pain in the ....