Co-op climate controlled boat storage/workshop!


Oct 20, 2012
Wondering has anyone heard of a co-op boat storage before? A place where you could also work on your boat. That is heated and had facilities. Like an old warehouse that had common areas. like a break room or lounge area, restrooms. Then everyone has an area for storage and/or working on their boats. maybe those areas are like walled off garages inside a warehouse space. Regardless it would have to be the proper location and all. Lots of manufacturing, warehouse commercial type properties out there right now. Curious if anyone knows of such a place (other than a marina) and is there any interest in something like that and what would people pay for that type of storage. Thanks for any input.


Vice Admiral
Aug 12, 2007
Re: Co-op climate controlled boat storage/workshop!

That sounds like one of those really good ideas that just doesn't have a market, I really don't see how you would ever make money on it and your up front costs would be pretty huge converting a warehouse into multiple garages.

I have heard of these for cars but hey are normally associated with a scrap yard for parts.

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: Co-op climate controlled boat storage/workshop!

around here people work on boats in places like that intended for cars. I think the market aversion is due to theft: I can lock up my car in a shop and even put tools in the trunk but you really can't lock up a boat.

Individual walls would be too expensive (but maybe chain link?). Energy costs in places where you really need heat would be high for a warehouse.


Oct 20, 2012
Re: Co-op climate controlled boat storage/workshop!

What if I said I found the perfect facility. A city owned building. A motivated enough city, that all utilities (less the three phase manufacturing power) would be included in the lease. That includes heat in the entire building plus Air conditioning in the offices and break room. Lots of overhead doors to open during summer use. There is an overhead crane. Did I mention a pledge from the city of $25000 in capital improvements upon signing a lease. There is easy room for 20 boats. Some office space may need to be removed for best layout. Really a sweet building in a decent location. Also less than a mile from a river launch. Not a big river area, but enough for some skiing or test runs. It gets better there is a fenced in parking area that could be rented to outside storage to help cover some of the cost. This building can be had for $5000 a month. So with 20 boats that's $250 a month. Now if we could lower that by renting outside storage to like $175 a month. Each inside boat would get a 24 x 40 area. Now for the problems. Nothing separates the inside boat areas yet, but there are some walled off areas (paint both, sanding rooms) Also the biggest problem is the city wants whoever leases it to employ 20 workers in 2 years. That sounds like a big problem, but all is negotiable. Any thoughts?
Jun 17, 2012
Re: Co-op climate controlled boat storage/workshop!

What's your location? You will need a really long winter storage season to have a hope of making that pay:(
For example - I'm in the "far north" and I only pay $500 for up to 12 months of outside storage. A neighbor pays $400 for 7 months of secure indoor storage ( unheated).

MH Hawker

Vice Admiral
Jul 13, 2011
Re: Co-op climate controlled boat storage/workshop!

First thing I would have to know is what the utility's run, heat and cooling and so on for 1 year.


Oct 18, 2011
Re: Co-op climate controlled boat storage/workshop!

...This building can be had for $5000 a month. So with 20 boats that's $250 a month.... the city wants whoever leases it to employ 20 workers in 2 years. ... Any thoughts?

You are pricing everything assuming 100% occupancy and just breaking even, where is the profit margin?
You will need insurance, maintenance, and improvements.

Assume 50% occupancy to be safe. 20 boat spaces and 20 workers??? I guess everyone gets a "gofer" included in the rent. Even if you employed some homeless guys at $12,000 a year and let them live there. That adds at least another $1000 a month to each space.

A 20 x 20 Cold, Dark, U-Store-It, Garage goes for $250 a month in Ohio,
You better get at least $2000 a month per space to have much hope of just breaking even!

Sorry! Sounds like a Non-Starter.


Vice Admiral
Aug 12, 2007
Re: Co-op climate controlled boat storage/workshop!

So you are in for 2 then?


Oct 20, 2012
Re: Co-op climate controlled boat storage/workshop!

I'm not looking to make any money. The thread title says co-op. I am in Ohio and know of many co-op horse barns. Everyone splits the cost. I realize my example requires 100 percent occupancy, that building was found quickly and paid utilities is was got me most interested. I feel like there are other maybe better opportunities around. If cold dark storage is $250 a month, sounds like warm friendly like minded atmosphere is surely worth $250.

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: Co-op climate controlled boat storage/workshop!

You need to do a LOT more market research before committing to anything.


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 14, 2012
Re: Co-op climate controlled boat storage/workshop!

how about insurance? Got a bunch of hazmat stuff plus flammable materials, etc going on with any boat repair including tinnie's. Put in a little air make up and see the utility bills go up. I don't think this would ever work considering the liability issues involved.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 29, 2009
Re: Co-op climate controlled boat storage/workshop!

Getting 20 people in on this deal seems like it would be tough to do, especially since they would all have to trust one another since you can't separate the spaces. I'd just find 2 or 3 other people (or more if you can) who want to go in with you on this and then you look for a space together. That would be a lot less risky than trying to get a space then hoping you can find enough people to split the cost among so that it's affordable.

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: Co-op climate controlled boat storage/workshop!

the concept and discussion reminds me of my late uncle in Cheyenne (where it gets cold is my point). he and his friends collected and restored antique cars. They had a club, and got a warehouse into which they stuffed their car pieces. Part of it was heated, plus an office/lounge. But the point is they were all friends and club members, so the two biggest issues, vacancy and honesty, were covered.

In other words it's a viable concept among friends but dubious to the general public.

But anyone interested ought to talk to a car club to see how it's done, even join them since the dynamics are the same.

BTW most boat yards around here, people work on their boats "on the hard" and it's a clubby atmosphere but the climate is controlled by the climate.


Dec 29, 2006
Re: Co-op climate controlled boat storage/workshop!

The challenge in this idea, and why you may see it with cars and not boats is:

1) As stated above, security. It's rough to lock a boat storage area, while you can lock individual garage's.

2) In some cases, you can subdivide a large space into small 'bays' or garage's. Cars are not THAT big, as compared to boats. Most cars are within relatively the same size range...unlike boats. You can't have all 40 foot bays, and you can't have all 25 ft. bays.

3) Because boats are very large in some cases, and because they are oddly shaped, you are limited in how many you can fit in a space. Rack storage addresses some of this, however even in rack storage you may be limited to length, beam, and weight. If you want to actually WORK in the space, rack storage because a limiting issue. (arranging for time on the work floor with the other occupants.

So, if you have a building in which all the boats are stored on the floor, you are going to be severly limited in the number of boats, or total boat feet you can get into the space.

Cost of building, insurance, taxes, operating expenses divided by number of boat feet capacity = cost

This might work with cars or small co-op shared work space, such as with artists. It will be a very, very pricey $/ft for this type of a venture, which makes it a tough sell. Suddenly shrink wrap and keeping an eye on the weather forcast starts to look like an acceptible alternative.


Apr 19, 2011
Re: Co-op climate controlled boat storage/workshop!

Boats NEED MORE space than any car does.


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 8, 2011
Re: Co-op climate controlled boat storage/workshop!

Airplane hanger at a local municipal airport? My father-in-law has a plane, car, couch etc. and works on his plane(s) with buddies. It's heated in the winter. Large door to accommodate a large boat.....just a thought.