Clicking noise in neutral


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 10, 2021
After dropping my lower unit on my 1991 25hp Yamaha 2 stroke (25MSHP) to replace my impeller - which had no blades remaining - I was dismayed to hear an awful rattling/clicking noise after putting the lower back on. I’m assuming I screwed something up in the linkage... but I’m not sure what. I dropped the lower while in reverse and reinstalled also in reverse for ease of access.
I tried to take some of the play out by tightening up the linkage (screwing the lower unit end but lower and doing the same to the upper nut) and didn’t notice much difference - it got worse if anything. Should I try to go in the opposite direction?

absolutely no issues when in reverse or forward. It shifts smoothly. I’m sure I made a stupid mistake when putting it back together, but I don’t know where to start looking. Anyone have an idea of what could cause this and how to remedy it? I’ve done research and know of one similar occurrence, but nothing on a smaller HP motor like mine.


Fleet Admiral
Sep 7, 2008
most lower units are spring loaded into forward,
which means the linkage needs to compress the spring to get to neutral and reverse.
so if the unit only makes the noise in neutral, there is a good possibility the linkage is holding things too far out of neutral to clear the clutch dogs.
I would try going the other way sense it got worse going the direction you did
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Seaman Apprentice
Mar 10, 2021
Just disconnected the linkage, put lower and shifter in reverse, and reconnected. Same issue, but I noticed that if I push the shifter a little in the “reverse” direction the noise stops.

I have very little understanding of lower unit gearboxes, but it is definitely an issue with the linkage not clearing the dog gears

I’m not sure I fully understand the “spring loaded into forward” concept. Could you explain that a bit more in detail?

I read elsewhere on the forum that these linkages are not adjustable. They are either right or wrong. How should I go about getting this connection right then? I’ve tried connecting the linkage in reverse. My next plan is to give it a go from the “neutral” setting and see if I can get it that way.

Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
Are you tesing the gear box forward/reverse with motor On whether on muffs, barrel ? or geared forward/reverse with motor Off turning the flywheel CW by hand without water circulating ? Are you shure the linkage is fixed, non adjustable ?

Happy Boating


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 10, 2021
After toying with it for a bit I realized the clutch was not fully engaged in reverse when I attached the linkage with the barrel nut. After prying the lower linkage into reverse while spinning the prop I was able to get everything synced up correctly. No more clicks/rattles/knocks in neural.

Thanks 99yam40 for getting me pointed in the right direction.


Fleet Admiral
Sep 7, 2008
good to hear it was a simple mistake, and easy to fix.

I found a C60 of my brothers that was out of adjustment so I set it properly and it started making the clicking noise.
took the lower apart and found the shift shaft was twisted and a pin was bent.
someone that owned that motor before my brother had tried to shift while not running and pushed too hard while the clutch dogs were not lined up properly, bent things and then covered it up by missadjusting the linkage