Clear Marine Vinyl Window Advice?


Jun 21, 2019
Good afternoon! I'd appreciate some expert advice from anyone that has created their own windshield out of clear marine vinyl for a cabin cruiser. The sliding side windows are intact and need to make the front windshield to be removable. I'll only use it when I see rain coming while out on the water and when it's sitting on my sideyard.

I see 30gauge clear marine vinyl on Amazon and was thinking of using buttons (never used them before though). The top of the cabin has existing holes from the old windshield, and I was thinking buttons facing down there since they're somewhat inside the lip of the cabin and then buttons along the front of that front support bracket. There's aluminum trim with a lip that should keep water from dripping into the cabin over.

Anyone think the idea is ok or have any suggestion?


crazy charlie

Vice Admiral
May 22, 2003
Cool boat.Starting with the clear vinyl.There are many grades of clear vinyl.You can get much less expensive clear vinyl at places like Joanns fabrics or you can go to Sailrite website and get all grades of marine plastics and all different pricepoints.I purchased "double polished" "crystal clear" 30 gage.My goal was to get "optically clear" plastic so it is like looking through a glass windshield.I had what looked like perfectly clear plastic on my boat but the distortion for distance vision was giving me headaches through straining my eyes .Many plastics that look clear will have distortion when you try to look through them for any distance more than a few feet.In this area you really get what you pay for.Some plastics will also have increased distortion as you change the angle of the plastic.The snaps are best and the tab button goes on the plastic and the smaller snap male part gets attached to the boat.Sailrite has some different options you can look at like slide in attachments.Good luck!! Charlie


Jun 21, 2019
Thanks for the response Charlie! Well you've solidified that it's possible with snaps. I doubt I'd use it frequently out on the water, it's just if a rain cloud passes over I can block off the cabin.


Jun 21, 2019
Hey Charlie quick question. For your snaps were the screws removable? They all look like wood screws which would be fine screwing into the bow with a piece of wood below but will look weird sticking out the top of the cabin. I'd want to replace with short bolts and endcaps but noone talks about it in reviews.

crazy charlie

Vice Admiral
May 22, 2003
Yes they have a screw in the center but they only approx 1/8" high so its not something you really notice at all.You can also install a track and the snaps can then slide into the track instead of a screw.Charlie