Just something to talk about. What is your way of cleaning the boat after a hard fishing trip ie 40 miles offshore catching your limit on fish. sometimes during tournaments I get real lazy and may not clean till the last day. This gets real hard due to the fact that the blood has been baked on by 100 degrees of all day fishing. The only thing I know that will make that fiberglass look new again is Ajax and alot of elbow grease. I would really like to find somekind of chemical that will not kill me but will make the blood stains just fall off. I clean my house with tsp and bleach the mildew will just fall off but in the boat the mildew will fall off no scrubing required leaving the blood still hanging on. you have to scrub just as hard as with Ajax. Maybe I will have to stop being sooo lazy but then again maybe you guys have a better idea
<br /><br />Thanks<br />Wesley