chrysler 318 carburator

Jun 8, 2004
I have a 1976 30ft pacemaker sf. It has twin 318 chryslers with carter BBD 2barrel carbs.Both engines are new.One engine will turn 4200 rpm and the other will only turn 3500rpm.Props are new.The engine turning 3500 also uses almost twice as much fuel.Both carbs have been rebuilt.I looked into both carbs running at 1500 to 2000rpm,and the one using the most gas seems to be pouring alot more gas than the other.It doesn't floodout or smoke, it runs good,just won't turn enough rpm's.If something was clogged,would this cause this extra fuel consumption.The good engine will start by itself the initial time. The other won't,you have to use starting fluid then it will start every other time during that day. Could the float be too low causing the no start problem and maybe allowing fuel pump to pump through carb bowl.Could a low float cause low fuel pressure and low rpms. Any ideas on this would be greatly appreciated.Any idea if a holley 500 2brl would fit on this manifold, this would add cfm's. thanks


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: chrysler 318 carburator

Both carbs have been rebuilt.
Rebuilds done always Work,........ Sometimes the Carb is Just Junk................Time for the Float Test......<br /><br />I don't know your engine, or your Carbs......<br />So, I don't know if you can drop on a Holley, I would imagine that you Can.......<br /><br />The gas is just Pouring thru that 1 carb, You already Know that.......<br />And, Yes, I believe that All of the symptoms you state Are from that Carb..............<br /><br />I would Guess, That if you pull the plugs from that motor, They'll be Black..........<br /><br />Good Luck...

Bt Doctur

Supreme Mariner
Aug 29, 2004
Re: chrysler 318 carburator

Id make sure the motors are firing on all 8 first.sounds like a dead cylinder to drop that much rpm.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: chrysler 318 carburator

You have twins, swap the carbs and see if the problem changes engines.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 21, 2004
Re: chrysler 318 carburator

sounds like float might be set to high on the one carb, or a bad needle and seat, I agree with Don S swap em out and see what gives
Jun 8, 2004
Re: chrysler 318 carburator

Thanks, I'll check the plugs first. If black , I guess that carb needs another rebuild or float adjustment.It doesn't seem to have any miss, as if a dead cylinder. Runs smooth, revs up smooth,but I guess that doesn't mean 1 cylinder couldn't be weak. The plugs may tell this. I rather not mess with the engine thats running good, but that sure would tell the story by swapping carbs.<br /><br /> Thanks for the replies<br /> <br /><br /> thanks