Chilton gas tank cap

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Sep 15, 2010
First of all a big thanks to this forum for helping me fix up a 1983 Johnson 15 Horse this fall. Bought it for a project at $150 bucks, and put another $50 into it (including water pump replacement) and have a great running little motor.

My question is, my dad gave me a 6.6 gallon Chilton gas tank he got for free, it even has the adapter for omc connection. The cap plastic "bubble" for the fuel gauge was broken.

Does anyone know of a compatible/replacement cap that will work with this? The cap from my Attwood tank kind of fits, but doesn't seem to screw down on the threads enough/different thread pitch.

If there is no replacement, a way to make mine work again? I don't want it taking in rain water and such when tied out on the water, also concerned the broken cap will make it illegal.

I have read Chilton was bought out by Blitz at some point - don't think Blitz makes boat cans...



Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Chilton gas tank cap

Welcome to iboats.

Since you have to old cap....... you can seal the broken bubble (you will not be able to see through it again....but sealed) with plastic epoxy.

I have had the best luck with the Devcon I have used the locktite brand however I personally like the devcon better.
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