Chevy vs The Bear


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
So I got up to my uncle's place on a lake to do some fishing..... He told me a little story that happened to him a few weeks ago that for whatever reason he failed to tell me after it happened. He was driving back home from somewhere and a bear ran into the side of his car.....yeah i said it, a big ole bear. It's nose hit the side of his truck ( you can see the imprint but it doesnt take well to a picture) and then rolled over a few times and ran back into the woods. I had a very hard time believing it until he showed me the dent and some evidence that was even more convincing.....bear hair in his rims. Here is a picture of it. Anyone ever have that happen?<br /><br />


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Chevy vs The Bear

My dad hit 2 bear one summer, about 10 years ago. And mom goosed one in the butt with their new van this summer.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 6, 2005
Re: Chevy vs The Bear

I had a doe do that to me up north. I saw her on the side of the road and slowed down until I was even with her. Once I started to excelerate, she put her head down and charged the side of the truck. She must have thought better of the idea because when she got right next to the truck she turned. Just a little to late, her rump caved in the side of the truck behind the wheelwell and she left a load deer dung inside the bumper along with a few tuffs of hair. She was limping when she left and didn't stick around so I could see how she was, but I didn't see any blood.


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Chevy vs The Bear

I've looked in my side mirror once at night and have seen one running along side of my truck.....closest i have actually come


Sep 1, 2002
Re: Chevy vs The Bear

My scariest dirt bike adventure ever. I was leading a couple buddies through some fairly thick brush in the woods up on the mountains just out of town. We were clipping along at a good pace for a tight trail. I came around this corner and viola... a big black bear standing right there in front of me! I hit the brakes, the thing was startled and charged me for a few steps then ran the other way when my buddies pulled up. We never saw bears usually, they're afriad of the bikes but whatever... I think I had a pulse of around 300. Not fun.