Check this out: What may happen to your optical sensor- w/pic

Captain Jeff

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 15, 2005
Motors with optical ignition system: OIS2000 60 degree V4 and V6's

After troubleshooting a high speed misfire on all 4 cylinders for some time, I decided to take off the timing wheel and inspect the wheel inself for dirt or damage as well as the optical sensor. (1999 115hp) Good thing I did! The optical sensor is supposed to be a sealed unit but look at what happened to mine. Corrosion/ bridging of solder connections. These were probably short circuiting at higher rpms when more juice was flowing through the connections as well as having slight expansion due to engine heat. In the end I believe the sensor toasted the powerpack as well because it was sending mixed signals to it. Anything that has ever gone wrong on this motor has pretty much been electrical. Not to bash Mexican craftsmanship but all of the electrical components that failed were manufactured there.

Also check your timing wheel for oil, if there is any oily sheen it may cause the optical sensor to malfunction as well. As a final note, not all optical sensors use a clear green epoxy/resin to seal the circuit board so you may not be able to see the solder connections in yours. Good luck and good boating.



Supreme Mariner
Jan 23, 2002
Re: Check this out: What may happen to your optical sensor- w/pic

Good info!!!.......


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2004
Re: Check this out: What may happen to your optical sensor- w/pic

Thats why there is basically nothing wrong with points!8)


Jul 17, 2006
Re: Check this out: What may happen to your optical sensor- w/pic

My 2000 Ficht 150 starts and run great at low speeds but I cant get any higher than 4000 rpms and it sounds like its pinging or detonating. The motor surges like its wants to go but never does. The plugs have been changed and the compression is good. I also drained the tank and put in fresh gas. Please help.