charging system


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 14, 2005
OK this is the setup that I now have.


the engine is the "refridge" using battery number "3" in the pic, the other two batteries 1 and 2 are the house batteries.

I have a jumper between the two switches just in case my engine batt dies by switching the 2nd dual switch to both or num 2.

after searching this forum and learing that my 03 f225 has a auxillary lead for charging a second battery I have a few questions.

first I believe that the auxillary lead has been untilzed by the previous owner because it appears that the wiringing harness on the starboard side has been tapped into. That wire then runs to the 3 bank isolator like the pic above.

The isolator is a single alt, 3 bank design.

I need to know if I should have the the isolator output wire connected to the engine batt or does it get charged directly via the pos cable?

If I do have the isolator output going to the engine batt will that effect the charging of the engine battery or other batteries.

my guess is it wont matter due to the isolator which will distribute the current as needed,

might it effect the engine battery being charged?

I could easily remove the isolator output going to the engine battery if the main pos cable is charging the engine battery.

any thoughts?



Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: charging system

do you have single or dual engines?
in anycase I would take the fridge off the engine battery.
yes the engine battery will charge through the positive engine cable, why another Isolator was used I have no clue as all V6 yamahas (US market) from about 1995 had an isolator to charge a house battery built into the regulator.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 14, 2005
Re: charging system

thanks Rodbolt,

the diagram is correct but instead of a fridge, its my engine.
the baot and electronics are on the 2 other batts.

I believe that I have the seperate isolator wire in use which is going to external isolater then to the 2 house batteries in addition to the engine battery.

a little confusing but I hope you understand


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: charging system

I will have to admit, its the craziest setup I have seen. why run two isolators? usually the 1 into 3 isolator will drop one volt all by itself.
myself I would have wired the two house batteries in parlell, run the engine isolator lead to the house batteries the engine positive cable to the engine battery switch and added a paralelling switch from the house bank to the engine switch in case of emergency. but thats just me.
I see it quite a bit, hulls rigged by poorly trained or completely untrained 6.50/hr personell.
but not knowing how they cut into the engine harness its hard to say, did they use the Isolator lead on the engine or cut it in at the regulator?
coming off the regultor you will hve 2 10Ga red leads, one is the engine isolator lead the other goes back to the engine starting positive battery cable, methods vary with engine model.
I have seen the isolator cut into the engine lead and the engine isolator lead is still laying in the pan with the cap on it, go figgure.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 14, 2005
Re: charging system

rod bolt thanks
I am going down today and will take a look.
