Charging fixed, thanks to all...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 8, 2004
I have had mixed responses as to whether or not I will need to remove the flywheel to change my water-cooled regulator/rectifier. <br /><br />Assuming I do need to remove the flywheel, is there any other maintenance that I should perform while the flywheel is off?


Oct 24, 2003
Re: Charging fixed, thanks to all...

why would you need to remove the flywheel? i may be wrong, bbut every motor ive seen does not have the rectifier under the flywheel..... maybe you have a diff motor, but its usually on the side by the wire harnes.....


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 8, 2004
Re: Charging fixed, thanks to all...

Actually mine is under the power-pack. It is the water-cooled version...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 28, 2004
Re: Charging fixed, thanks to all...

Rboat,<br />Have you tried to get the regulator out be fore messing wwith flywheel Take a real good look at it .As i explained in prev. post my 86 140 came out without removing flywheel. <br />good luck


Jun 1, 2004
Re: Charging fixed, thanks to all...

you are right KGW you dont need to remove the flywheel its directly under the powerpack just remove the powerpack and there it is


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 8, 2004
Re: Charging fixed, thanks to all...

well I hope you guys are right, it sure will cut down on my installation time. Thanks, I will let you know what happens.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 8, 2004
Re: Charging fixed, thanks to all...

So the reg/rec did not fix my charging problem and I ordered a new stator. Since I will definitely be removing the flywheel, is there anything else I should do while the flywheel is off?


Jun 15, 2002
Re: Charging fixed, thanks to all...

I like to pull the timer base off and clean the track and the plastic bushing of all old grease and then lightly re-grease with lithium grease. Also clean the taper on the crankshaft and the inside taper on the flywheel and re-install dry.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 8, 2004
Re: Charging fixed, thanks to all...

I replaced the stator over the weekend and I just took the boat to the river to test that and some of my other work. Well unfortunately, that did not fix it.<br /><br />I replaced the reg/rect and stator. What else could it be? It's just not going over 11 volts even at WOT...<br /><br />What are the chances that one of the parts I replaced was bad?


Jun 15, 2002
Re: Charging fixed, thanks to all...

I don't know where your original thread is, but are you sure your volt meter is working right?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 8, 2004
Re: Charging fixed, thanks to all...

Well, I checked it while idling and it matched my multimeter, can't convince the wife to take the wheel at WOT, I will try to get her to do it at 4500 RPM this weekend and see if the DC Volts rise on my multimeter(I am assuming that is what you are referring to).<br /><br />I am tryting to put all the info in this thread, but I did have another one that describes my troubleshooting process. <br /><br />Basically it involved checking the DC volts at idle and resistance testing the reg/rect - I got a little confused with the readings so I just decided to take a gamble on the reg/rect being the problem. <br /><br />Funny thing is, before I installed the new reg/rect I followed the bench test instructions included with the new part and tested both reg/rects (the old one and the new one). From the readings on my multimeter it appeared that the new one was bad, but the old one was good!!! So again, I just thought that I was troubleshooting it wrong and I installed the new one. When it did not fix the problem I said, well it must be the stator (thinking maybe the bad reg/rect ruined the stator).<br /><br />So I replaced the stator, which had leaked a significant amount of gummy, sticky goo on the timer base right where the wires come out of the stator. But that didn't fix it either.<br /><br />Now I'm thinking that maybe the stator was the problem the whole time, and my old reg/rect was good. Maybe when I got the new reg/rect it really was bad, so even though my stator has been replaced, I am still having charging problems.<br /><br />I guess the magnets could be week on the flywheel, but I don't know.<br /><br />I'm so confused!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 8, 2004
Re: Charging fixed, thanks to all...

Could the timer base cause these problems or is does it only regulate spark?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 8, 2004
Re: Charging fixed, thanks to all...

This past weekend I decided to check all of the fuses again. I pulled them all, there were 3, all different. One 30A at the battery terminal, a fat 50A fuse in the terminal box on the transom, and a short fuse near the engine block where the wires all plug together. All of the fuses tested fine with my multimeter. The 30A seemed a little corroded and I had some new ones in the box so I replaced it. I didn't have replacements for the others so I just cleaned them real good, and lightly sanded the ends. I also took my batteries to autozone and they tested good, so I put the trickle charger on them overnight.<br /><br />The next day I launched the boat, hoping my charing problems would be fixed, but unfortunately the problem was still there, my guage still showed ~11 volts.<br /><br />I rode out to the fishing hole and drowned some bait for a couple of hours while I anticipated the ride back with my wife driving the boat and me checking the voltage with my multimeter (she doesn't like to drive the boat).<br /><br />As we were leaving I was playing with my GPS, changing the data fields when I noticed that I had the option to display the current voltage digitally on the GPS. So I thought, well maybe this will at least tell me if my guage is wrong. I fired up the engine and headed back and noticed that my GPS was reading 14.1 volts, so I looked over at the analogue guage and it was also reading in the green between 13 and 14 volts. I couldn't believe it!<br /><br />Anyways, I monitored the GPS voltage reading all the way back to the ramp, and it stayed at around 14.1. The GPS always showed a little bit higher than the analogue guage, and at one point the voltage showed about 16 volts, which I know is high, but the analogue guage still showed between 13 and 14 volts - I guess the GPS is a little more sensitive.<br /><br />So maybe the fuse that I changed was the problem. I still don't know why it didn't start working right away, but maybe it's because when I first launched the boat the batteries were fully charged, but after a couple of hours of running the electronics while I was fishing the batteries were low enough to take a charge.<br /><br />Anyways, thanks to all that helped with this problem. The boat is running great. Now off to do some long overdue maintenance.