Charging AGM Batteries


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 19, 2004
I am thinking of changing over my batteries to AGM batteries. I need to replace my wet cell batteries and am looking into th Cabelas AGM group 27 batteries.
Now my question is this: I have a car battery charger that charges at either 2 or 10 amps that I have used for years with my wet cells and it works great as long as you monitor the charging. Will this charger work with AGM batteries or will I have to get a new charger?
I really dont want to get a new charger and if I do have to get a new charger then I may just replace the wet cells that I have with another set of wet cells.
Thanks for any suggestions in advance


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 1, 2006
Re: Charging AGM Batteries

Most AGM batteries can be charged with a regular charger, but again it could depend on your charger. The manual should tell you. My AGMs (Lifeline) don't require anything special. Cabelas should be able to tell you if theirs do.