I asked my wife yesterday how many boats we have owned over the years, and she named over 14 until I cried uncle. We had one Chaparral, a 21 foot I think a 1999 year. I agree with tpnfield, on the range of quality. I liked the gelcote, which had hardly any spider cracks. The 3 Cobalts we've owned were I feel still top tier. We owned 1 Regal 20' open bow that we were very impressed with also and I would say comparable to our Cobalts. Most important to us is condition,condition ,condition. Most of the better brands nowadays use no wood in their boats, and that is probably why they are more expensive. I am partial to the Four Winns brand of boats, I think they are one of the best bangs for the buck boats out there. I still own a 2011 232 Cobalt, and a 1999 18' Four Winns. Each should last 30 years, and both look great. If looking to buy, I would not focus on a particular brand, but on a particular condition. Dave-R